Bihar SBTE Diploma CSE 5 Sem Dec 2019 Software Engineering Paper

Bihar Polytechnic Diploma Computer Science & Engineering SEM 5 Dec 2019 Software Engineering Paper

Sr. No. Questions with options
1 Software engineering approach is used to achieve

(a)  Better performance of hardware

(b) Error free software

(c)  Reusable software

(d) Quality software product

2 Management of software development is dependent on

(a)  People

(b) Product

(c)  Process

(d) All of the above

3 UML stands for

(a)  Uniform modeling language

(b) Unified modeling language

(c)  Unit modeling language

(d) Universal modeling language

4 Effort is measured in terms of

(a)  Person- months

(b) Rupees

(c)  Persons

(d) Months

5 Which phase is NOT available in software life cycle?

(a)  Coding

(b) Testing

(c)  Maintenance

(d) Abstraction

6 Which one is the most importance feature of spiral model ?

(a)  Quality management

(b) Risk management

(c)  Performance management

(d) Efficiency management

7 Waterfall model is NOT suitable for

(a)  Small projects

(b) Accommodating change

(c)  Complex projects

(d) None of the above

8 Spiral model was developed by

(a)  Bev Littlewood

(b) Berry Bochm

(c)  Roger Peessman

(d) Victor Basiti

9 A node with indegree#0 and outdegree=0 is called

(a)  Source node

(b) Predicate node

(c)  Destination node

(d) None of the above

10 Alpha testing is done by ?

(a)  Customer

(b) Tester

(c)  Developer

(d) All of the above

11 Which one is NOT a size measure of software –

(a)  LOC

(b) Function count

(c)  Cyclomatic complexity

(d) Halsteads program length

12 COCOMO was developed initially by

(a)  B.W. Bohem

(b) Gregg Rothermal

(c)  B. Beizer

(d) Rajeev Mall

13 Cost estimation for a project may include

(a)  Software cost

(b) Hardware cost

(c)  Personnel cost

(d) All of the above

14 How many stages are in COCOMO-II

(a)  3

(b) 4

(c)  2

(d) 5

15 Acceptance testing is done by

(a)  Developers

(b) Customers

(c)  Testers

(d) All of the above

16 Cyclomatic complexity is developed by

(a)  B.W. Bochm

(b) T.J.MCable

(c)  B.W. Little Wood

(d) Victor Basili

17 The basic concepts of ER model are

(a)  Entity and relationship

(b) Relationships and keys

(c)  Entity, effects and relationship

(d) Entity, relationship and attribute

18 Requirements elicitation means –

(a)  Gathering of requirements

(b) Capturing of requirements

(c)  Understanding of requirements

(d) All of the above

Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
Published On – 20th April 2022






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