Bihar SBTE Diploma CSE 5 Sem Dec 2019 Java Paper

Bihar SBTE Diploma CSE 5 Sem Dec 2019 Java Paper

Sr. No. Questions with options
1 The process that focus on only important characteristic is know as

(a) Encapsulation

(b)                        Polymorphism

(c) Abstraction

(d)                        Inheritance

2 Which statement is TRUE regarding an object

(a) An object is of a class

(b)                        An object is an instance of a class

(c) An object is a variable

(d)                        An object is not an instance of class

3 An object-oriented programming, composition relates to

(a) The use of consistent coding convection

(b)                        In refers to coherent, common behavior

(c) It refers to procedural behavior

(d)                        None of these

4 In object-oriented programming a new classes can be defined by extending existing classes this is an example by

(a) Encapsulation

(b)                        Interface

(c) Composition

(d)                        Inheritance

5 Give a class name Book, which one of these is a valid constructor declaration for the class

(a) Book (Book b){}

(b)                        Book Book ()

(c) Final Book ()

(d)                        Abstract Book ()

6 The wrapping of data and functions into a singh unit is called

(a) Encapsulation

(b)                        Abstraction

(c) Date hiding

(d)                        Polymorphism

7 Polymorphism is a characteristic of

(a) Java language

(b)                        C language

(c) Cobol language

(d)                        None of the above

8 The numerical range of a char data type in Java

(a) -128 to 127

(b)                        0 to 256

(c) 0 to 32767

(d)                        0 to 65535

9 Which of the following events will cause a thread to die?i.e. called

(a) The method sleep () is called

(b)                        The method wait () is called

(c) The execution of the start () is called

(d)                        Execution of run () method is called

10 Which of the following method is TRUE regarding fanalize () ?

(a) It must be only declared with protected accessibility

(b)                        Finalize () method can be overloaded

(c) Finalize () method can not be overloaded

(d)                        All of the above are true

11 Which of the following is valid method for declaration is Java

(a) Void method2

(b)                        Int 1 method1

(c) Int method3 () void

(d)                        Void method ()

12 The concept of multiple interface implemented in Java by :

(a) Extending two or more classes

(b)                        Extending one class and implementing one or more interface

(c) Implementing inheritance

(d)                        Implementing thread

13 File class is included in which package

(a) package

(b)                        Java.lang package

(c) Java.awt package

(d)                        Jaa.util package

14 What is the sequence of major events in the life cycle of an applet

(a) Init, start, stop destroy

(b)                        Start, init, stop destroy

(c) Init, start, destroy

(d)                        Init, destroy, stop

15 Threading provides execution of

(a) Only one module of the program at a time

(b)                        Only two modules of the program at a time

(c) All related program sub blocks executes simultaneous

(d)                        None of these

16 Which of these operators is used to allocate memory to array variable in Java ?

(a) Malloc

(b)                        Alloc

(c) New

(d)                        New malloc

17 Which one of the following class definition is a valid definition that can not be extended

(a) Final class link ()

(b)                        Static class link ()

(c) Abstract class link ()

(d)                        Class link ()

18 Which statement is TRUE about accessibility of members

(a) The private member are always accessible in same package

(b)                        The private member are accessible in same class

(c) The private member is accessible outside class

(d)                        None of these

19 The default value of a static integer variable of a class in Java is

(a) 0

(b)                        1

(c) Garbage value

(d)                        Null value

20 The field in an interface are implicitly specified as

(a) Static only

(b)                        Protected

(c) Private

(d)                        Both static and final

  Data Collected by – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 13th April 2022








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