Bihar SBTE Diploma CSE 5 Sem Dec 2019 IWT Paper

Bihar SBTE Diploma CSE 5 Sem Dec 2019 IWT Paper

Sr. No. Questions with options
1 A equipment needed to allow home computer to connect to the internet is called a

(a) Modem

(b) Gateway

(c) Monitor

(d) Bridge

2 The process of keeping address in memory for future use called

(a) Routing

(b)                        Resolving

(c) Caching

(d)                        None of these

3 The communication protocol used by internet is

(a) HTTP

(b)                        WWW

(c) TCP/IP

(d)                        FTP

4 TCP is a commonly used protocol at

(a) Application layer

(b)                        Transport layer

(c) Network layer

(d)                        Data link layer

5 Voice mail & E-mail are example

(a) Computer categories

(b)                        Connectively

(c) Telecommunication

(d)                        None of the above

6 HTML is what type of language

(a) Scripting language

(b)                        Markup language

(c) Programming language

(d)                        None of these

7 HTML uses

(a) User defined tags

(b)                        Pre specified tags

(c) Fixed tag defined by the language

(d)                        Tags only for linking

8 Fundamental HTML block is known as

(a) HTML body

(b)                        HTML tag

(c) HTML attribute

(d)                        HTML element

9 Who is known as the father of world wide web

(a) Robert cailliou

(b)                        Tim Thompson

(c) Charles Darwin

(d)                        Tim Berners- Lee

10 E-mail address separate the user name from the ISP using, which of the symbol

(a) &

(b)                        @

(c) %

(d)                        X

11 To search FTP archives for a file you should use which tool

(a) Gopher

(b)                        Jughead

(c) Archie

(d)                        None of the above

12 Which of the following is often referred it as “ the CB of the internet”

(a) ICR

(b)                        FTP

(c) E-mail

(d)                        HTTP

13 A message with replies on a newsgroup is option called a

(a) Post

(b)                        List

(c) Thread

(d)                        Comment

14 What should be the flag value to indicate the last fragment

(a) 0

(b)                        1

(c) TT1 value

(d)                        None of these

15 Which of these is NOT applicable for IP protocol

(a) Connection less

(b)                        Offen reliable service

(c) Offen unreliable service

(d)                        None of these

16 The Mail server as defined in the text uses which protocol

(a) HTTP

(b)                        FTP

(c) POP

(d)                        SMTP

17 Which of the following is used to send e-mail to a large group at one time

(a) Listener

(b)                        Group

(c) Alias

(d)                        Mail Server

18 Which tag is used to display a picture in HTML page

(a) Picture

(b)                        Image

(c) SRC

(d)                        None of the  above

19 HTML web page can be read and rendered by

(a) Compiler

(b)                        Server

(c) Web Browser

(d)                        Interpreter

20  Which of the following is NOT a browser.

(a) Microsoft bing

(b)                        Netscape Navigator

(c) Mozilla firefox

(d)                        Opera

  Data Collected by – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 12th April 2022






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