Bihar SBTE Diploma CSE 4 Sem May 2019 DBMS Paper

Bihar SBTE Polytechnic Diploma Computer Science & Engineering 4 Sem May 2019 DBMS  Paper


Sr. No. Questions with options
1 Which is NOT the relational Algebra Operators

(a)  Set difference

(b) Cartesian product

(c)  Rename

(d) Join

2 How is specialization denoted in ER diagram?

(a)  Triangle labeled IS A

(b) Rectangle labeled IS A

(c)  Rectangle labeled HAS A

(d) Triangle labeled HAS A

3 Which of the following is open source DBMS?

(a)  MySQL

(b) SQL Server

(c)  Microsoft Access

(d) Oracle

4 Which SQL keyword is used to remove the duplication of rows from the result set?





5 Which is the highest level in a hierarchy of data organization.

(a)  Data record

(b) Date file

(c)  Data base

(d) None of these

6 Which of the following is known as minimal super key

(a)  Primary key

(b) Foreign key

(c)  Unique key

(d) Candidate key

7 Which command allow the users to change multiple data fields?

(a)  Modify

(b) Look up

(c)  Update

(d) Change

8 Which of the following language is used to define the integrity constraint.

(a)  DCL

(b) DML

(c)  DDL

(d) All of these

9 In an E-R diagram Attributes are representated  as

(a)  Rectangle

(b) Square

(c)  Ellipse

(d) Triangle

10 Architecture of database can be viewed as

(a)  Two levels

(b) Four levels

(c)  Three levels

(d) One level

11 In relational model, relations are termed as

(a)  Tuples

(b) Attributes

(c)  Table

(d) Rows

12 A Cartesian product in relational algebra is

(a)  Unary operator

(b) Binary operator

(c)  Ternary operator

(d) None of these

13 SQL stands for –

(a)  Structured Query language

(b) Sequential Query language

(c)  Structured Question language

(d) None of these

14 The following are component of a database except

(a)  User data

(b) Meta data

(c)  Reports

(d) Indexes

15 A set of possible data values is?

(a)  Attribute

(b) Degree

(c)  Tuple

(d) Domain

16 Which of the following data base object does not physically exist?

(a)  Base table

(b) Index

(c)  View

(d) None of these

17 Cross product is a?

(a)  Unary operator

(b) Ternary operator

(c)  Binary operator

(d) None of these

18 In E-R diagram relationship is represented by

(a)  Ellipse

(b) Dashed line

(c)  Rectangle

(d) Diamond

19 To delete a particular column in a relation the command used is?


(b) DROP

(c)  ALTER


20 A table joined with itself is called

(a)  Join

(b) Self join

(c)  Quarter join

(d) Equi  join

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 21st April 2022






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