Bihar SBTE Diploma Civil 5th SEM Dec 2019 Paper on HTO

Bihar Polytechnic Civil 5th SEM Previous Year Dec  2019 Paper on HTO

Sr. No. Questions with options
1 Fourier’s law of heat conduction applies to

(a)  Convection

(b) Radiation

(c)  Conduction

(d) All of the above

2 Fourier’s law of heat conduction applies to

(a)  Isothermal surface

(b) Non isothermal surface

(c)  Both (a) & (b)

(d) None of these

3 Maximum heat transfer rate is obtained is

(a)  Laminar flow

(b) Turbulent flow

(c)  Creeping flow

(d) Transition flow

4 Fouling factor is

(a)  A dimensionless quantity

(b) Does not provide a safety factor

(c)  Accounts for additional resistance to heat flow

(d) None of these

5 Heat transfer coefficient for liquids increases with

(a)  Increase temperature

(b) Decrease temperature

(c)  Decreasing reynold number

(d) None of the above

6 What is the emissivity of a black body?

(a)  1

(b) 0

(c)  0.90

(d) 0.50

7 In a shell and tube heat exchanger, floating head is used for

(a)  Large temperature differentials

(b) High heat transfer coefficient

(c)  Low pressure drop

(d) Low corrosion of tubes

8 In evaporators, lowering the feed temperature

(a)  Increases the heating area required

(b) Reduces the economy

(c)  Both (a) & (b)

(d) None of these

9 Economy of an evaporator is influenced by

(a)  Steam pressure

(b) Temperature of feed

(c)  No. of effects

(d) Both (a) & (b)

10 The kg of liquid evaporated per hr in an evaporator is defined as

(a)  Capacity

(b) Economy

(c)  Steam load

(d) None of the above

11 Natural convection is characterized by

(a)  Grashhoff number

(b) Pectel number

(c)  Reynold number

(d) Pranditle number

12 Buffle spacing

(a)  Is not same as baffle pitch

(b) Should be less than one fifth of dia of the shell

(c)  Should be less than the inside dia of the shell

(d) None of the above

13 Correction is applied to LMTD for

(a)  Parallel flow

(b) Counter flow

(c)  Cross flow

(d) None of these

14 Sensible heat absorbed by 1 lb of water when it is heated from 32 to 211 degree Fahrenheit may be around

(a) 180 BTU

(b) 970 BTU

(c) 3.97 BTU

(d) Data insufficient

  Data Collected By – Rashmi
  Published On – 8th June 2022








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