APPSC Boiler Inspector Paper 2012 on Mechanical Engineering

Arunachal Pradesh PSC Boiler Inspector Previous Year Question Paper 2012 on Professional Knowledge


Sr. No. Questions with multiple options
1. The first law of thermodynamics throws the light on the concept of

(a)    Entropy

(b)   Temperature

(c)    Strain

(d)   Internal Energy

2. All gases tend to ideal or perfect gas behavior at all temperature as their pressure approaches

(a)    Atmospheric

(b)   Zero

(c)    Maximum

(d)   Critical

3. Which one of the following components is not boiler mounting?

(a)    Safety valve

(b)   Pressure gauge

(c)    Feed pump

(d)   Stop valve

4. The ignition quality of fuels for S.I. engine is determined by

(a)    Cetane number rating

(b)   Octane number rating

(c)    Calorific value rating

(d)   Volatility of the fuel

5. In reciprocating air compressor the method of controlling the quantity delivered is done by

(a)    Throttle control

(b)   Blow-off control

(c)    Clearance control

(d)   All of the above

6. Mechanical efficiency of a gas turbine as compared to internal combustion reciprocating engine is

(a)    Higher

(b)   Lower

(c)    Same

(d)   Unpredictable

7. The flow of water in a pipe of diameter 3000 mm can be measured by

(a)    Venturimeter

(b)   Rotameter

(c)    Pitot tube

(d)   Orifice plate

8. In laminar flow, maximum velocity at the centre of pipe is greater than the average velocity by

(a)    Two times

(b)   Three times

(c)    Four times

(d)   None of these

9. Two forces most important in laminar flow between closely parallel plates are

(a)    Inertial and viscous

(b)   Viscous and pressure

(c)    Gravity and pressure

(d)   Pressure and inertial

10. Coefficient of performance of a domestic refrigerator as compared to that of an air conditioner is generally

(a)    More

(b)   Less

(c)    Same

(d)   None of these

  Published on 30th Sept 2021






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