DRDO Technician Question Paper | CEPTAM Model Paper on General Science for Technician Post
1 | Which of the following is used as a moderator in nuclear reactor?
(a) Thorium (b) Graphite (c) Radium (d) Ordinary water |
2 | Rift valley is formed by(a) Earthquake (b) Folding(c) Faulting (d) All of these |
3 | A body is thrown vertically upward and it reaches 10m high. Find the velocity with which the body was thrown? (g = 9.8 m/s) (a) 10 m/sec. (b) 18 m/sec. (c) 14 m/sec. (d) 7 m/sec. |
4 | What is the name of the first Super Computer of the world?
(a) CDC 6 600 (b) USENET (c) COM ODOR VIC/20 (d) PARAM-10000 |
5 | What is the full form of THAAD?
(a) Terminal Hot Altitude Area Defence (b) Terminal High Altitude Area Defence (c) Terminal High Activity Area Defence (d) Terminal Hot Activity Area Defence |
6 | One horse power is equal to
(a) 523 watts (b) 746 watts (c) 816 watts (d) 440 watts |
7 | Why the needle of iron swims on Water surface when it is kept gently?
(a) It will remain under the water when it will displace more water than its weight (b) the density of needle is less than that of water (c) due to surface tension (d) due to its shape |
8 | Gammay rays can cause
(a) gene mutation (b) sneezing (c) burning (d) fever |
9 | Animals like annelids and arthropods etc where the body can be divided into identical left and right halves in only one plane, exhibit which kind of symmetry?
(a) Coelenterata (b) Radial (c) Ctenophora (d) Bilateral |
10 | The power of a lens is measured in –
(a) diopters (b) aeon (c) lumen (d) candela |
11 | ’Penicillin’ which is used as an antibiotic is obtained from –
(a) Bacteria (b) Fungi (c) Algae (d) Lichens |
12 | Which instrument is used to measure electric current?
(a) Electrometer (b) Rheostate (c) Volmeter (d) Ammeter |
13 | What is Hubble?
(a) Warship (b) Star(c) Telescope (d) Missile |
14 | The isotope of uranium capable of sustaining chain reaction is
(a) U-235 (b) U-245 (c) U-239 (d) U-238 |
15 | What does’B’ stand for in BIOS program which is stored in ROM?
(a) Basic (b) Boot (c) Base (d) Business |
Answer –
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
b | c | c | d | b | b | c | a | d | a | b | d | c | a | a |
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