Assam Secretariat JAA Paper 2018 – English

Assam Secretariat Junior Administrative Assistant Paper 2018 – English

In each of the following sentences certain parts have been marked a,b,c,d. One of the parts may contain an error. Mark that part as your answer.

Not only (a)/ computers are faster today (b)/but they ar also cheaper (c)/ and one can easily afford them (d)

Since (a)/ it was an unusually warm day (b)/ the dog laid under (c)/ the tree all afternoon (d)

No sooner had he entered the hall (a)/ then the light (b)/ went out (c)/ and everybody began to scream (d)

Although (a)/ my care is expensive I have had (b)/ a lot (c)/ of trouble with it (d)

This mechanic is the most (a)/ skilled of all other mechanics (b)/ in the town and is (c)/ a much sought after man (d)

If you will work (a)/ hard you will surely (b)/ get a seat (c)/ in any good college in Assam (d)

When I along with some others (a)/ went to meet the officer (b)/ the peon prevented (c)/ us to enter his office (d)

All these opinions (a) are based the prejudice (b)/ and therefore (c)/ cannot be accepted (d)

Each child (a)/ was given (b) / a paper (c) / and a pencil (d)

The country’s (a) / size does not prevent (b)/ it from participating (c)/ at international competitions (d)

Pick out the appropriate word/phrase from the given choices to fill in the gap in each of the following sentences.
The blind man was feeling ____the table
(a) in
(b) about
(c) for
(d) by

I live on the _______of Guwahati.
(a) outskirt
(b) outskirts
(c) outside
(d) inside

She says that she has paid back money but I cannot remember, so I have to __________
(a) take her word true
(b) take her word for it
(c) take her at her word
(d) take her words

Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is ________speaking picture
(a) the
(b) a
(c) an
(d) None of these

The person who is looking for sympathy talks _________
(a) glibly
(b) plaintively
(c) scornfully
(d) awfully

One who has special skill in judging art, music etc. is called a _________
(a) connoisseur
(b) artist
(c) aesthete
(d) None of these

They decided to __________ down their original plans for the bigger house because of paucity of funds
(a) climb
(b) turn
(c) scale
(d) put

We may pardon him for this mistake by considering it a momentary __________
(a) inhibition
(b) damage
(c) fallacy
(d) aberration

If this interpretation is held valid, then the states are ________of their power to plan, implement and monitor their schemes.
(a) relieved
(b) divested
(c) invested
(d) delegated

‘A bull in a China shop’ refers to a person who _________
(a) is rough and clumsy where skill and care are required
(b) becomes too excited without any reason
(c) takes delight in harming innocent people
(d) has uncontrollable anger






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