GPCB Scientific Assistant Paper 2018

Gujarat Pollution Control Board Scientific Assistant Paper 2018
Exam Date – 27th Oct 2018 Subject – Concerned Subject

If Hexadecane have density 0.77 gm/cm then how much ml hexadecane required 1ppm solution in 1000 ml distilled water.
(a) 1.3 micro liter
(b) 1.33 micro liter
(c) 0.13 micro liter
(d) 0.013 micro liter
(e) Not Attempted

Enthaply expressed by which formula from following –
(a) H = E+PV
(b) H = E+RT
(c) H = E+PT
(d) H = E + PVT
(e) Not Attempted

In biological waste treatment reaction is complex reaction then its consider as
(a) Enzyme reaction
(b) Acid-alkali reaction
(c) Consecutive reaction
(d) Iodometric reaction
(e) Not Attempted

Nobel gases can be separated by using adsorbent is
(a) Charcoal
(b) Silical gel
(c) Solution of benzene
(d) Aluminum foil
(e) Not Attempted

Phenol is 12 times more soluble in 1 volume of isopropyane ether then the 1 volume of water how many extraction require to remove 1900 mg/L phenol from 2000 mg/L (ether to waste ratio of 0.2 by volume used in each extraction)
(a) 1
(b) 2
(b) 3
(d) 4
(e) Not Attempted

The pH of blood does not appreciable change by small addition of an acid or base because blood
(a) Contain serum protein which acts as buffer
(b) Contain iron
(c) Contain Co-agulent
(d) Contain water
(e) Not Attempted

When solid potassium cyanide is added in water then
(a) pH will increase
(b) pH will decrease
(c) pH will remain same
(d) pH and pOH will constant
(e) Not Attempted

Which of the following compound gives phenol by air oxidation in present of V2O5
(a) Toluene
(b) Benzoic acid
(c) Benzene
(d) Acetic Acid
(e) Not Attempted

Particle size in suspension is
(a) Less than 1000
(b) 100 nm
(c) Greater than 1000 nm
(d) Size less
(e) Not Attempted

When sewage became stronger then turbidity of waste water
(a) Increase
(b) Decrease
(c) Remain Constant
(d) Sehled
(e) Not Attempted

In India average temperature of sewage is
(a) 10 degree Celcius
(b) 20 degree Celcius
(c) 40 degree Celcius
(d) 80 degree Celcius
(e) Not Attempted

The odor quality on amine is
(a) Rotten egg
(b) Fishy
(c) Fical matter
(d) Decayed cabbage
(e) Not Attempted

Molar absobtivity of compound existing charged transfer absorption are
(a) Small
(b) Moderate
(c) Large
(d) Zero
(e) Not Attempted

Chromatography with solid stationary phase is called
(a) Circle chromatography
(b) Square chromatography
(c) Solid chromatography
(d) Adsorption chromatography
(e) Not Attempted

If pH value is greater than 7 then solution is
(a) Acidic
(b) Alkaline
(c) Neutral
(d) Salty
(e) Not Attempted






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