IPRC Scientist/ Engineer Chemical Paper 2016

ISRO Propulsion Complex Mahendragiri Scientist/ Engineer Chemical Paper 2016
Date of Exam – 3rd April 2016
Duration of Exam – 1 Hour 30 Minutes
No. of questions – 50 Nos.

When a bare thermocopule is covered by a protective sheath, the response becomes
(a) Faster and oscillatory
(b) Faster and non-oscillatory
(c) Slower and Oscillatory
(d) Slower and non-oscillatory

For a typical project, the cumulative cash flow is zero at the
(a) End of the project life
(b) End of the design phase
(c) Break even point
(d) Start of project

Steam economy of a multiple effect evaporator system is defiend as
(a) kilogram of steam used per hour
(b) kilogram of steam consumed in all the effects for each kilogram of steam fed
(c) kilogram of steam used in all the effects for each kilogram of water vaporized per hour
(d) Kilogram of water vaporized from all the effects for each kilogram of steam fed

A process stream of dilute aqueous solution flowing at the rate of 10 kg/s is to be heated. Steam condensate at 95 degree Celsius is available for heating purpose, also at the rate of 10 kg/s. A 1-1 shell and tube heat exchanger is available. The best arrangement is
(a) Counter flow with process stream on shell side
(b) Counter flow with process stream on tube side
(c) Parallel flow with process stream on shell side
(d) Parallel flow with process stream on tube side

Total reflux in a distillation operation requires minimum
(a) Re-boiler load
(b) Condenser load
(c) Number of plates
(d) All

The Grashof Number is
(a) Thermal diffusivity/mass diffusivity
(b) Inertial force/ surface tension force
(c) viscous force/ Bouyancy force
(d) Bouyancy force/ viscous force

Filter used for separating sugar solution from settled out mud is
(a) Sparkler filter
(b) plate and frame filter
(c) Centrifugal filter
(d) rotary drum vacuum filter

Tubeless tyres can be made from
(a) S B R
(b) butyl rubber
(c) silicone rubber
(d) nitrile rubber

Tensile strength of a fiber is equal to
(a) Specific gravity X tenacity
(b) 12800 x specific gravity x tenacity
(c) (Specific gravity x tenacity)/12800
(d) (12800 x tenacity)/specific gravity
where, tenacity is given in g/denier

Oils are
(a) A mixture of glycerides
(b) A mixture of glycerides of fatty acides
(c) Ester of alcohols other than glycerin
(d) None of the above






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