Bihar SBTE Diploma Mechanical 4th SEM 2019 Question Paper on FM & M

Bihar SBTE Diploma Mechanical 4th SEM May 2019 Paper on FM & M

Sr. No. Questions with options
1 Poise is the unit of

(a)  Mass density

(b) Kinematic viscosity

(c)  Dynamic viscosity

(d) Velocity gradient

2 Pascal’s law states that pressure at a point is equal in all directions

(a)  In a moving fluid

(b) In a fluid at rest

(c)  In a laminar flow

(d) In a turbulent flow

3 The hydrostatic law states that rate of increase of pressure in a vertical direction is equal to

(a)  Density of the fluid

(b) Specific weight of the fluid

(c)  Weight of the fluid

(d) None of the above

4 Gauge pressure at a point is equal to

(a)  Absolute pressure + atmospheric pressure

(b) Absolute pressure – atmospheric pressure

(c)  Vacuum pressure + absolute pressure

(d) None of above

5 Continuity equation can take the form

(a)  A1V1=A2V2

(b) P1A1=P1V2

(c)  P1A1V1=P2A2V2

(d) None of these

6 Pitot-tube is used for measurement of

(a)  Pressure

(b) Flow

(c)  Velocity at a point

(d) Discharge

7 Bernoulli’s theorem deals with the law of conservation of

(a)  Mass

(b) Momentum

(c)  Energy

(d) None of the above

8 Hydraulic gradient line (H.G.L) represents the sum of

(a)  Pressure head and kinetic head

(b) Kinetic head and datum head

(c)  Pressure head, Kinetic head and datum head

(d) Pressure head and datum head

9 Power transmitted through pipes will be maximum when

(a)  Head lost due to Friction = Total head at inlet of the pipe /2

(b)  Head lost due to Friction = Total head at inlet of the pipe /4

(c)  Head lost due to Friction = Total head at inlet of the pipe

(d) Head lost due to Friction = Total head at inlet of the pipe /3

10 Maximum efficiency of a series of vertical plates is

(a)  66.67%

(b) 33.33%

(c)  50%

(d) 80%

11 Specific speed of a turbine is defined as the speed of the turbine which

(a)  Produces unit power at unit head

(b) Produces unit horse power at unit discharge

(c)  Delivers unit discharge at unit head

(d) Delivers unit discharge at unit power

12 A turbine is a device which converts

(a)  Hydraulic energy into mechanical energy

(b) Mechanical energy into hydraulic energy

(c)  Kinetic energy into mechanical energy

(d) Electrical energy into mechanical energy

13 A turbine is called reaction turbine if at the inlet of the turbine, the total energy is

(a)  Kinetic energy only

(b) Kinetic energy and pressure energy

(c)  Pressure energy only

(d) None of the above

14 The speed ratio for pelton wheel varies from

(a)  0.45 to 0.50

(b) 0.60 to 0.70

(c)  0.30 to 0.40

(d) 0.80 to 0.90

15 To discharge a large quantity of liquid by multistage centrifugal pump, the impellers are connected

(a)  In parallel

(b) In series

(c)  In parallel and in series

(d) None of the above

16 Cavitation can occurs in

(a)  Centrifugal pump

(b) Francis turbine

(c)  Reciprocating pump

(d) Both (a) & (b)

17 Indicator diagram shows

(a)  Variation of kinetic head in the cylinder

(b) Variation of pressure head in the cylinder

(c)  Variation of kinetic head and pressure head in the cylinder

(d) None of above

18 Air vessel in a reciprocating pump is used

(a)  To obtain a continuous supply of water at uniform rate

(b) To reduce suction head

(c)  To increase the delivery head

(d) Both (b) & (c)

  Data Collected By – Rashmi
  Published On – 28th May 2022







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