MAFSU BVSc 3rd Year Paper 2015 on Livestock Products Technology (course 312)

MAFSU – BVSc & A.H. -3rd Year Paper on Livestock Products Technology (course 312) – 2014-15

Sr. No Questions with multiple options
1. Which of the following parameter can be used an indicator for fat oxidation in meat and meat products?

(a)    Free Fatty Acid

(b)   TBARS number

(c)    Ranco number

(d)   All of these

2. Total meat production in India in the year 2001-2002.

(a)    5.1 MT

(b)   6.3 MT

(c)    8.0 MT

(d)   10.2 MT

3. Major share of India’s meat export (i.e. about 86%) is attributed to a single commodity. Identify the said commodity.

(a)    Carabeef

(b)   Beef

(c)    Mutton

(d)   Chicken

4. The distance between two adjacent Z-discs in a muscle fiber is known as _____

(a)    Myofibril

(b)   Sarcomere

(c)    Gap filament

(d)   A-band

5. Percentage of protein in egg is _____

(a)    21

(b)   11.8

(c)    1.8

(d)   4.0

6. What is the energy content in one chicken egg?

(a)    50 calorie

(b)   80 calorie

(c)    120 calorie

(d)   150 calorie

7. Under FSS Act, 2006, the maximum permitted total plate count in frozen meat is

(a)    100/g

(b)   1000/g

(c)    10000/g

(d)   100000/g

8. Which of the following is an example of cure accelerator?

(a)    Sodium ascorbate

(b)   Sodium erythorbate

(c)    Both a & b

(d)   None of these

9. Which among the following is the most variable component in the meat from different species of animals?

(a)    Protein

(b)   Moisture

(c)    Fat

(d)   Minerals

10. Component in wood smoke, which is responsible for ‘smoky flavor’ in meat is ____

(a)    Guaicol (Phenol)

(b)   Acetone (Carbony)

(c)    Hydrocarbons

(d)   Dibenzanthracene

11. According to Codex Alimentarius Commission, the Salmonella sp. Count in fresh meat should be ____

(a)    10/g

(b)   100/g

(c)    Absent in 10g

(d)   Absent in 25g

12. Select the basic methods of meat processing.

(a)    Comminution

(b)   Emulsification

(c)    Blending

(d)   All of these

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 28th May 2022







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