MAFSU – BVSc & A.H. -3rd Year Paper on Livestock Products Technology – Paper – I – 2018-19

MAFSU – BVSc & A.H. -3rd Year Paper on Livestock Products Technology – Paper – I – 2018-19


Sr. No Questions with multiple options
1. The maximum permissible moisture in butter is:

(a)    16%

(b)   20%

(c)    30%

(d)   40%

2. Milk is a poor source of:

(a)    Iron

(b)   Copper

(c)    Iodine

(d)   All of the above

3. Overrun in butter is due to:

(a)    Moisture and curd

(b)   Lactose and fat

(c)    Protein and air

(d)   Air and fat

4. The fatty acid characteristic to milk fat is:

(a)    Lauric

(b)   Arachidic

(c)    Butyric

(d)   Palmitic

5. The following is the measure of degree of unsaturation:

(a)    Peroxide value

(b)   Saponification value

(c)    Iodine value

(d)   None of the above

6. Which constituent of milk shows greatest daily variation?

(a)    Fat

(b)   Protein

(c)    Lactose

(d)   Minerals

7. Sweet curdling is caused by

(a)    Bacillus cereus

(b)   Streptococcus lactis

(c)    Pencillium requeforfi

(d)   Str.thermophilus

8. Which of the following is not a fraction of casein:

(a)    Alpha

(b)   Gamma

(c)    Beta

(d)   Iota

9. Max. FFA (% oleic acid) for AGMARK special grade under Red label ghee is

(a)    1.4%

(b)   2.5%

(c)    3%

(d)   4%

10. Preheating of milk is done at

(a)    25-30 degree C

(b)   35-40 degree C

(c)    40-45 degree C

(d)   50-60 degree C

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 6th May 2022






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