Bihar SBTE Diploma first year Dec 2019 Computer Fundamental Paper

Bihar SBTE Diploma first year Dec  2019 Computer Fundamentals for Sem I/II Paper

Sr. No. Questions with options
1 The brain of any computer is

(a)  ALU

(b) Memory

(c)  CPU

(d) Control Unit

2 Full form of VDU is

(a)  Visual Display Unit

(b) Versatile Device Unit

(c)  Versatile Display Unit

(d) None of these

3 Which is NOT an application software?

(a)  Window XP

(b) Page Maker

(c)  Photoshop

(d) MS Office

4 Which of the following do you choose to implements a client server network?

(a)  MS DOS

(b) Windows

(c)  Windows 98

(d) Windows 2000

5 Computer mouse event is

(a)  Left click

(b) Right click

(c)  Double click

(d) All of the above

6 What is keyboard shortcut for creating a chart from selected cell range in Excel?

(a)  F2

(b) F4

(c)  F8

(d) F11

7 In excel comments put in cells are called

(a)  Smart Tip

(b) Call Tip

(c)  Web Tip

(d) Soft Tip

8 What is the intersection of a column and a row on a worksheet called?

(a)  Column

(b) Value

(c)  Address

(d) Cell



9 Text – styling feature of MS word is

(a)  Word color

(b) Word font

(c)  Word art

(d) Word fill

10 A number of letter that appears little above the normal text is called

(a)  Superscript

(b) Subscript

(c)  Super text

(d) Toptext

11 Free of cost repair of software bug available at internet is called ______

(a)  Version

(b) Ad-on

(c)  Tutorial

(d) Patch

12 Website’s font page/main page is called

(a)  Browser page

(b) Search page

(c)  Home page

(d) Bookmark

13 A computer on internet are identified by

(a)  E-mail address

(b) Sheet address

(c)  IP address

(d) None of these

14 Internet explorer fall under

(a)  Operating  system

(b) Complier

(c)  Browser

(d) IP address

15 www stands for

(a)  Word whole web

(b) Wide world web

(c)  Web world wide

(d) World wide web

  Data Collected By – Rashmi
  Published On – 4th May 2022







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