CPCT Paper 18th Sept 2016 Shift I on Computer Knowledge

CPCT-English-Typing-Previous-Year-Paper-18 Sep2016-Shif-I-Computer

Sr. No Questions with multiple options
1. Which memory provides high-speed data access to a processor and stores frequently used computer programs, applications and data?

(a)    Cache memory

(b)   Hard Disk

(c)    ALU

(d)   Secondary memory

Ans: a

2. Third Generation Computers were developed in:

(a)    1960’s

(b)   Late 1950’s

(c)    1970’s

(d)   1990’s

Ans: a

3. Who is known as father of computer?

(a)    Tim Berners-Lee

(b)   Brent Hoberman

(c)    Steve Shirley

(d)   Charles Babbage

Ans: d

4. Which of the following is not an input device?

(a)    Printers

(b)   Mouse

(c)    Keyboard

(d)   Microphone

Ans: a

5. Which of the following is a single user operating system?

(a)    MS DOS

(b)   Linux

(c)    Unix

(d)   Windows

Ans: a

6. Which of the following is a non-impact printer?

(a)    Dot-matrix Printers

(b)   Laser Printers

(c)    Daisy-Wheel Printers

(d)   Line Printers

Ans: b

7. Which of the following is not an USB type?

(a)    Type E

(b)   Type B 5 pin

(c)    Type A

(d)   Type C

Ans: a

8. Which of the following memory uses capacitors and hence they need periodic refreshing?

(a)    DRAM

(b)   Cache memory

(c)    ROM

(d)   Hard Disk

Ans: a

9. The acronym UPS stands for:

(a)    Unique Power System

(b)   Universal Power System

(c)    Universal Power Source

(d)   Uninterruptible Power Supply

Ans: 4

10. Which of the following is not an optical media?

(a)    CD

(b)   DVD

(c)    Floppy

(d)   DVD RAM

Ans: c



11. By default, programs are installed in:

(a)    C drive

(b)   D drive

(c)    E drive

(d)   Flash drive

Ans: a

12. Which of the following is a set of computer programs designed to permit the user to perform a group of coordinated functions, tasks or activities?

(a)    Proprietary Software

(b)   System Software

(c)    Application Software

(d)   Embedded software

Ans: c

13. Which of the following is not an open source software?

(a)    Firefox (web browser)

(b)   Thunderbird (Mail services)

(c)    Microsoft office (Spreadsheets, Database, Word etc.)

(d)   Gimp (image manipulation program)

Ans: c

14. Which of the following is a computer software with its source code made available with a license in which the copyright holder provides the right to study, change and distribute the software to anyone and for any purpose?

(a)    Operating System

(b)   Proprietary System

(c)    Embedded Software

(d)   Open-source Software

Ans: d

15. What translates source code into some efficient intermediate representation and immediately executes?

(a)    Assembly Language

(b)   Machine Language

(c)    Programming Language

(d)   Interpreter

Ans: d

16. NTFS stands for

(a)    Novel Technology File System

(b)   New Technology File System

(c)    Networking File System

(d)   Network Technology File System

Ans: b

17. Which process checks, and ensures that all components of the computer are operating and connected properly?

(a)    Booting

(b)   Processing

(c)    Saving

(d)   Editing

Ans: a

18. The term VPN stands for:

(a)    Vital Public Network

(b)   Vital private Network

(c)    Virtual Public Network

(d)   Virtual Private Network

Ans: d

19. Act of making a program ready for execution on a computer by doing a setup of a computer program including device drivers and plugins is called as:

(a)    Configuration

(b)   Storage

(c)    Upload

(d)   Installation

Ans: d

20. A bar that indicated the opened applications and can be used to switch between applications quickly is:

(a)    Menu bar

(b)   Tool bar

(c)    Status bar

(d)   Task bar

Ans: d

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 26th Dec 2021







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