GCC TBC 30 WPM Batch 602 Jan 2019 English Paper

Maharashtra – state Council of Education – Pune – GCC – TBC 30-WPM – Batch – 602 – 11Jan – 2019 – English

Sr. No Questions with multiple options
1. MB means Mega bytes.

(a)    True

(b)   False

Ans: a

2. Mouse is input device.

(a)    True

(b)   False

Ans: a

3. Led stands for ____

(a)    Light Enrich Display

(b)   Light Emitting Diode

(c)    Light Emitting Display

(d)   None of these

Ans: b

4. Internal memory is also called ______ memory.

(a)    Primary

(b)   Secondary

(c)    Input

(d)   Output

Ans: a

5. _____ is output device

(a)    Monitor

(b)   Printer

(c)    Plotter

(d)   All of these

Ans: d

6. Underline option is used to make the text ___ in selected cells

(a)    Bold

(b)   Italics

(c)    Underline

(d)   None of these

Ans: c

7. In MS Word 2010, how many change case options are available?

(a)    2

(b)   3

(c)    4

(d)   5

Ans: d

8. in the word processor when line is full then the cursor moves to the next line as it is called _____

(a)    Word Wrap

(b)   Sentence Wrap

(c)    Sentence merge

(d)   New Line

Ans: a

9. Outline view helps to set _______ of current document

(a)    Layout

(b)   Outline

(c)    Draft

(d)   Font

Ans: b

10. We get insert table options under ____

(a)    Insert Table

(b)   Picture

(c)    Remove

(d)   Update

Ans: a

11. Where we can specify print area in MS Excel 2010?

(a)    In data tab

(b)   In page layout tab

(c)    In review tab

(d)   In insert tab

Ans: b

12. In MS Excel 2010 how many columns a single workbook has?

(a)    5000

(b)   10000

(c)    16384

(d)   20000

Ans: c

13. Each row in Excel has given one ___

(a)    Number

(b)   Character

(c)    Picture

(d)   Icon

Ans: a

14. We have to start with ______  symbol to type any function in cell.

(a)    =

(b)   *

(c)    ?

(d)   !

Ans: a

15. Cell value typed in Selected cell displayed in _____

(a)    Status Bar

(b)   Formula Bar

(c)    Title Bar

(d)   None of these

Ans: b

16. To create a presentation based on diagrams or graphs ___ can be used

(a)    Chart

(b)   Photo Album

(c)    Clip art

(d)   None of these

Ans: a

17. It is possible to Broadcast slide show using Power Point.

(a)    True

(b)   False

Ans: a

18. _____ view is not available in power Point

(a)    Normal

(b)   Draft

(c)    Notes Page

(d)   None of these

Ans: b

19. In Power Point italic is inside _____group in home tab

(a)    Alignment

(b)   Font

(c)    Number

(d)   Cells

Ans: b

20. Slide orientation is available under ___ tab in PowerPoint.

(a)    Home

(b)   Design

(c)    Transition

(d)   View

Ans: b

21. GB stands for ___

(a)    Giga Bits

(b)   Giga Byte

(c)    Giga Binary

(d)   None of these

Ans: b

22. ______ is not an operating system.

(a)    Linux

(b)   Unix

(c)    Mac

(d)   Java

Ans: d

23. ______ Email Server is developed by Google Company

(a)    Hotmail

(b)   Yahoo mail

(c)    Gmail

(d)   None of these

Ans: c

24. URL stands for Universal Resource Locators

(a)    True

(b)   False

Ans: b

25. Process of bringing files to your computer from the internet is called _____

(a)    Uploading

(b)   Unzip

(c)    Downloading

(d)   Installing

Ans: c

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 3rd Jan 2022






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