RPSC Assistant Conservator of Forest Botany Paper


Sr. No Questions with multiple options
1. Which of the following algae possesses the largest thallus?

(a)    Laminaria

(b)   Macrocystis

(c)    Porphyra

(d)   Sargassum

2. Which of the following algae is found in fresh water?

(a)    Chara

(b)   Ectocarpus

(c)    Fucus

(d)   Polysiphonia

3. An alga belonging to Rhodophyceal and found in fresh water is-

(a)    Batracospermum

(b)   Gelidium

(c)    Gfacillaria

(d)   Polysiphonia

4. Pond silk is –

(a)    Spirogyra

(b)   Ulothrix

(c)    Vaucheria

(d)   Volvox

5. Non-motile gametes are found in-

(a)    Chlorophyceae

(b)   Chrysophyceae

(c)    Phaeophyceae

(d)   Rhodophyceae

6. Zoospores having a crown of flagella are found in-

(a)    Acetabularia

(b)   Chlorella

(c)    Oedogonium

(d)   Ulva

7. Main photosynthetic pigment of phaeophyceae is –

(a)    Fucoxanthin

(b)   Phycocyanin

(c)    Phycoerythrin

(d)   Xanthophylls

8. Reserve food found is Rhodophyceae is-

(a)    Cellulose

(b)   Floridean starch

(c)    Glycogen

(d)   Protein

9. Which one of the following is a parasitic alga found on the leaves of tea and coffee?

(a)    Cephaleuros species

(b)   Condrus species

(c)    Ulothrix species

(d)   Volvox species

10. Which one of the following photosynthetic pigment is found in cyanophyceae members?

(a)    Anthocyanin

(b)   Betacyanin

(c)    Fucoxanthin

(d)   Phycocyanin

11. Sexual reproduction does not occur in

(a)    Nitella

(b)   Nostoc

(c)    Oedogonium

(d)   Vaucheria

12. Which one of the following photosynthetic pigments are found in all photosynthetic algae?

(a)    Chlorophyll a and fucoxanthin

(b)   Chlorophyll b and phycocyanin

(c)    Chlorophyll a and betacarotene

(d)   Chlorophyll b and xanthophylls

13. In which one of the algae classes para-sexuality is found?

(a)    Cyanophyceae

(b)   Phaeophyceae

(c)    Rhodophyceae

(d)   Xanthophyceae

14. Study of Fungi is known as-

(a)    Morphology

(b)   Mycology

(c)    Phycology

(d)   Physiology

15. Downy mildew is caused by species of-

(a)    Albugo

(b)   Aspergillus

(c)    Peronospora

(d)   Phytophthora

16. Afalotoxins are produced by the species of-

(a)    Alternaria

(b)   Aspergillus

(c)    Bacteria

(d)   Nematode

17. Lichens are an example of-

(a)    Parasitic relations between fungi and bacteria

(b)   Symbiotic relations between fungi and bacteria

(c)    Parasitic relations between fungi and algae

(d)   Symbiotic relations between fungi and algae

18. Wart disease of Potato is caused by the infection of-

(a)    Phytophthora species

(b)   Pythium species

(c)    Sclerospora species

(d)   Synchytrium species

19. Reproduction in Lichens takes place by formation of-

(a)    Conidia

(b)   Gonidia

(c)    Soredia

(d)   Oidia

20. Peziza belongs to class-

(a)    Ascomycetes

(b)   Basidiomycetes

(c)    Deuteromucetes

(d)   Phycomycetes

21. Nutrition in Mucor is of-

(a)    Autorophic type

(b)   Parasitic type

(c)    Saprophytic type

(d)   Symbiotic type

22. Fruiting body of Penicillium is-

(a)    Apothecium

(b)   Cleistothecium

(c)    Hypothecium

(d)   Perithecium

23. Tikka disease occurs in

(a)    Groundnut

(b)   Paddy

(c)    Pearl-millet

(d)   Sugarcane

24. Coletotrichum is classified in class-

(a)    Ascomyctes

(b)   Basidiomycetes

(c)    Denteromycetes

(d)   Phycomycetes

25. Blast of Paddy is caused by-

(a)    Alternaria species

(b)   Coletotrichum species

(c)    Fusarium species

(d)   Pyriculaira species

  Data Collected By –  K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 10th Dec 2021







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