Objective Questions On Environmental Statistics

Solapur-University-M.Sc. – Environmental Science (Semester-III)-2019-On Environmental Statistics

Sr.No Questions with multiple options
1. The statics measures such as average deviation, standard deviation and mean are classified as part of ____

(a)    Deciles system

(b)   Moment system

(c)    Percentile system

(d)   Quartile system

2. The degree of peakedness is called ________

(a)    Kurtosis

(b)   Skewness

(c)    Symmetry

(d)   Dispersion

3. The correlation between two variable is called as _______

(a)    Multiple correlation

(b)   Complete  correlation

(c)    Simple correlation

(d)   Double correlation

4. What is expected number of heads appearing when a fair coin is tossed three times?

(a)    2

(b)   1.5

(c)    0.5

(d)   3

5. A coefficient of correlation is computed to be -0.95 means that ______

(a)    The relationship between two variables is weak

(b)   The relationship between two variables is strong and positive

(c)    The relationship between two variables is strong and but negative

(d)   Correlation coefficient cannot have this value

6. The standard deviation of 5, 5,5,5,5,5,5 will be _____

(a)    4

(b)   0

(c)    7

(d)   5

7. The most important part of _____ is selecting the variables on which clustering is based.

(a)    Interpreting and profiling clusters

(b)   Selecting a clustering procedure

(c)    Assessing the validity of clustering

(d)   Formulating the clustering problem

8. In a frequency distribution, the mid-value of a class is 60.5 and the width of the class is 10. The lower limit of the class is _______

(a)    55.5

(b)   65.5

(c)    56.5

(d)   66.5

9. By which other name is the chi-square goodness of fit test known?

(a)    Two sample chi-square

(b)   Wilcoxon

(c)    One-sample chi-square

(d)   Directional chi-square

10. Student’s t-statistic is applicable in case of: ________

(a)    Equal number of samples

(b)   Unequal number of samples

(c)    Small samples

(d)   All the above

11. Which method of analysis does not classify variables as dependent or independent?

(a)    Regression analysis

(b)   Discriminate analysis

(c)    Analysis of variance

(d)   Cluster analysis

12. Mean, Median and Mode are ____

(a)    Measures of deviation analysis

(b)   Ways of sampling

(c)    Measures of sample tendency

(d)   Measures of central tendency

13. The special rule of multiplication of probability, the events must be ______

(a)    Independent

(b)   Mutually Exclusive

(c)    Bayesian

(d)   Empirical

14. The median of a series of numerical values is: _____

(a)    Equal to the average

(b)   A graph or chart

(c)    A number

(d)   A frequency table

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published on – 14th Nov 2021







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