Objective Questions On Biodiversity and Conservation

Solapur-University-M.Sc. – Environmental Science (Semester-II)-2019-On Biodiversity and Conservation

Sr.No Questions with multiple options
1. Genetic variation between distinct populations of some species is known as ______

(a)    Species diversity

(b)   Ecosystem diversity

(c)    Genetic diversity

(d)   Biodiversity

2. Which of the following is a biodiversity hot spot in India?

(a)    Gulf of Mannar

(b)   Western Gahts

(c)    Panchmarhii

(d)   Sunderbans

3. Which of the following is an in-situ conservation measure taken by India?

(a)    Project Elephant

(b)   Project Lion

(c)    Project Rhino

(d)   All of the above

4. Who introduced the concept of biodiversity hotspot?

(a)    Christopher Columbus

(b)   Norman Myers

(c)    WWF

(d)   Charles Darwin

5. Which of the following is the cause of the loss of biodiversity?

(a)    Habitat Degradation and Loss

(b)   Invasion of non native species

(c)    Pollution

(d)   All of the above

6. The dodo was extinct due to ____

(a)    Pollution

(b)   Invasion of non native species

(c)    Over-exploitation of resources

(d)   Global environment change

7. Spot the site, which is not a biodiversity hot spot.

(a)    Brazil’s Cerrado

(b)   Central Chile

(c)    California Floistic Province

(d)   Pakistan

8. The term “biodiversity” was coined by the ___ in 1985.

(a)    E-Haeckel

(b)   E-Odum

(c)    Walter G Rosen

(d)   None of these

9. The concept of biosphere reserve was launched is as a part of UNESCO’s man and biosphere programme.

(a)    1972

(b)   1970

(c)    1974

(d)   1971

10. The first biosphere reserve of the World was established in ____

(a)    1978

(b)   1979

(c)    1977

(d)   1980

11. Government of India has created ___ national parks and sanctuaries.

(a)    79,447

(b)   89,448

(c)    89,447

(d)   80,440

12. Nandadevi and Sunderbans are examples of Indian

(a)    National parks

(b)   Sanctuaries

(c)    International heritage areas

(d)   Biosphere reserves

13. One of the following is not an in situ conservation for biological resources.

(a)    Biosphere reserve

(b)   National parks

(c)    Protected areas

(d)   Breeding under confined areas

14. Alpha diversity represents species ____

(a)    Richness

(b)   Evenness

(c)    Both (a) and (b)

(d)   Richness and dominance

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published on – 9th Nov 2021







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