Objective Questions on Environmental Chemistry

Solapur-University-M.Sc. – Environmental Science (Semester-I)-2019-On Environmental Chemistry

Sr.No Questions with multiple options
1. Volatile oxidation corrosion product of a metal is,

(a)    Fe2O3

(b)   MoO3

(c)    Fe3O4

(d)   FeO

2. Standard electrode potential of Zn2+/Zn is, ______

(a)    – 0.76 V

(b)   + 0.76 V

(c)    – 2.76 V

(d)   + 2.76 V

3. Which of the following contains more molecules?

(a)    1 g CO2

(b)   1 g N2

(c)    1 g H2

(d)   1 g CH4

4. Which pair of species have same percentage of carbon?

(a)    CH3COOH and C6H12O6

(b)   CH3COOH and C2H5OH

(c)    HCOOCH3 and C12H22O11

(d)   C6H1206 and C12H22O11

5. Molar mass is a _____ quantity.

(a)    Vector

(b)   Imaginary

(c)    Unitless

(d)   Useless

6. What mass of CaO will be obtained by heating 3 mole of CaCO3 [Atomic mass of Ca = 40]?

(a)    150 g

(b)   168 g

(c)    16.8 g

(d)   15 g

7. Volume of O2 required to produce 44 g of CO2 by combustion of carbon is _____

(a)    2.24 L

(b)   22400 mL

(c)    22.4 mL

(d)   224 mL

8. 3 g of H2 reacts with 29 g of O2 to yield water. Which is the limiting reactant?

(a)    H2

(b)   O2

(c)    H2O

(d)   None of these

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 6th Nov 2021






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