Solapur University M.Sc. Environmental Science 2019 Paper On Fundamentals of Environment

Solapur-University-M.Sc. – Environmental Science – (Semester-I)-2019-On Fundamentals of Environment

Sr.No Questions with multiple options
1. Demography of Belding’s ground Squirrels was studied by _____

(a)    Sherman and Morton

(b)   Darwin and Newton

(c)    Clement and Tansley

(d)   Sherman and Clement

2. Most productive ecosystem is ____

(a)    Open ocean

(b)   Tropical rainforest

(c)    Temperate forest

(d)   Agricultural land

3. What is the Greek World for Eclogy?

(a)    Ethology

(b)   Oekologic

(c)    Hexicology

(d)   Synecology

4. The plants live in high temperature throughout the year are called as?

(a)    Microtherm

(b)   Megatherm

(c)    Mesotherm

(d)   Hekiskotherm

5. Which of the ecological Pyramid is always upright?

(a)    Pyramid of biomass

(b)   Pyramid of energy

(c)    Pyramid of number

(d)   All of these

6. ______ is biotic component of ecosystem.

(a)    Edaphic factor

(b)   Living organism

(c)    Climatic factors

(d)   All of these

7. Organisms The Temperate Grassland or Shrub-Land Biome is commonly known as ____

1.       Steppe in Central Asia

2.       Prairie in North America

3.       Veld in South America

Choose the correct option:

(a)    1 and 2

(b)   1 and 3

(c)    2 and 3

(d)   1, 2 and 3

8. In food chain Zooplankton is called as ____

(a)    Primary produces

(b)   Tertiary consumers

(c)    Secondary consumers

(d)   Primary consumers

9. ______ is the primary limiting factor for bacterial growth in soils with high nitrogen content.

(a)    Nitrogen

(b)   Carbon

(c)    Phosphorus

(d)   Potassium

10. Source of energy in ecosystem ______

(a)    Sun light

(b)   ATP

(c)    DNA

(d)   RNA

11. Biotic potential is countered by ____

(a)    Competition with other organism

(b)   Producers is larger

(c)    Limitation of food supply

(d)   None of the above

12. What is true ecosystem?

(a)    Primary consumers are least dependent upon producers

(b)   Primary consumers out-number producers

(c)    Producers are more than primary consumers

(d)   Secondary consumers are the largest and most powerful

13. The maximum rate of growth of any population under ideal conditions is called _____

(a)    Exponential growth

(b)   Biotic potential

(c)    Exponential potential

(d)   Environment growth

14. The apex of age pyramid of a stationary population is ?

(a)    Very narrow

(b)   Broad

(c)    Not much differences

(d)   Equal to base

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 5th Nov 2021






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