Objective Questions on Manufacture and Agrochemicals

Solapur-University-M.Sc-AGPM-(Semester-IV)-2019-On Manufacture and Agrochemicals

Sr. No. Questions with multiple options
1. Agro grade sulphur is used as ________

(a)    Herbicide

(b)   Fungicide

(c)    Growth retardant

(d)   Growth promoter

2. Distillation is a process in which _____ components are separated from the mixture.

(a)    Solid

(b)   Gaseous

(c)    Volatile

(d)   Water

3. Distribution coefficient becomes equal to distribution ratio when there is _______

(a)    No association

(b)   No dissociation

(c)    No polymerization

(d)   All of these

4. Continuous counter current extraction is applicable when ________

(a)    Solute has slow distribution coefficient

(b)   Solute has high distribution coefficient

(c)    Solute is volatile

(d)   Solute is non-volatile

5. The starting materials for preparation of maneb is ______

(a)    Ethylene diamine

(b)   N, N-dimethyl aniline

(c)    Dimethyl amine

(d)   None of these

6. Diethyl amine and acetoacetic acid is the starting material used for preparation of _______

(a)    Dimethoate

(b)   Malathion

(c)    Phosphamidon

(d)   Chloropyriphos

7. Imidacloprid is used as ________

(a)     Herbicide

(b)   Fungicide

(c)    Neonicotinoid insecticide

(d)   Rodenticide

8. A generalized fragment usually an ion produced by disconnection is ______

(a)    Synthon

(b)   Synthetic equivalent

(c)    Reagent

(d)   Product

9. A species which is chemically equivalent to synthon is used called ______

(a)    Synthon

(b)   Synthetic equivalent

(c)    Reagent

(d)   Product

10. For the synthesis of 2, 4-D _____ reaction is used.

(a)    Diel’s Alder

(b)   Wurtz

(c)    Aldol

(d)   Beckmann

11. LD-50 value of thiophenate methyl is ____

(a)    1 mg/kg

(b)   6640 mg/kg

(c)    50 mg/kg

(d)   10000 mg/kg

12. The reaction in which only one set of stereoisomers is formed predominantly is called ______ reaction.

(a)    Stereospecific

(b)   Stereoselective

(c)    Stichiometric

(d)   None of these

13. In triple effect evaporator highest temperature is maintained in _____ evaporator.

(a)    First

(b)   Second

(c)    Third

(d)   Both first and second

14. Crystallization is the formation of ________ particles with homogeneous liquid phase.

(a)    Gas

(b)   Liquid

(c)    Solid

(d)   Semisolid

  Data Collected by – K. Jeyanthi
  Published on 7th Nov 2021







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