Objective Questions On Soil Science, Fertilizers, Micro nutrients And Plant Growth Regulators

Solapur University M.Sc AGPM (Semester-I) 2019 On Soil Science, Fertilizers, Micronutrients And Plant Growth Regulators

Sr. No. Questions with multiple options
1. Iron exchange takes place in ______.

(a)    Sand

(b)   Slits

(c)    Loam

(d)   Colloids

2. Coconut milk contains _____ type of growth hormone.

(a)    IAA

(b)   GA

(c)    Cytokinin

(d)   CCC

3. Which one of the micro-oranism involved in the production of Biofertilizers  _________

(a)    Xanthomonas

(b)   Penecillium

(c)    Rhizobium

(d)   OS

4. _______ of composting introduced by Hutchinson and Richard in England in 1924.

(a)    Adco process

(b)   Indoor process

(c)    Activated process

(d)   Bangalore process

5. The root initiation is major role of _____.

(a)    IBA

(b)   2-4 D

(c)    ABA

(d)   2-4 5D

6. Leucern (Medicago sativa) is an example of ______.

(a)    Bulky organic manure

(b)   Sewage manure

(c)    Concentrated organic manure

(d)   Green manure

7. Water holding capacity of soil is governed by ____.

(a)    Type of soil

(b)   Organic matter soil

(c)    Color of soil

(d)   Alkalinity of soil

8. An example of concentrated organic manure is _____.

(a)    FYM

(b)   Bone meal

(c)    Oil cake

(d)   Sewage

9. Which one of the following is not micronutrient?

(a)    Zn

(b)   Cl

(c)    Mo

(d)   P

10. If aluminum oxides are abundance in laterite is called ____.

(a)    Bauxite

(b)   Basalt

(c)    Khader

(d)   Colloids

11. Breaking of seed dormancy is made by the treatment of ______.

(a)    Auxin

(b)   Gibberellic acid

(c)    Cytokinin

(d)   CCC

12. ____ is an example of bulky organic manure.

(a)    BGA

(b)   Oil cake

(c)    Bone Meal

(d)   FYM

13. Biogas is composed of _______

(a)    Methane and Carbon di-oxide

(b)   Ethane and Carbon di-oxide

(c)    Butane and Carbon-dioxide

  Data collected by – K. Jeyanthi
  Published on 27th Oct 2021







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