TNPSC Curator Botany Previous Year Paper 2010

TNPSC Curator Botany Old Question Paper 2010


                                                        TNPSC – Curator & Asst.Curator – Botany – 2010
Sr. No. Questions with multiple options
1. Which of the following is correctly matched?

(a)    Orthostiches           – phyllotaxy

(b)   Totipotent               – turgid

(c)    Fasciation                – photoperiodism

(d)   Bilateral symmetry – pine cone

2. Which of the following have been called as mobile electron carriers?

I.                    Coenzyme – Q

II.                  Cytochrome – C

III.                Cytochrome – B

IV.                Cytochrome – a.

Of these

I and IV

I  and II

I and III

III and IV

3. In the non-cyclic photophosphorylation of plants, the electron donor is

(a)    O

(b)    S


(d)    O

4. During  cycle the following chemicals are formed in a sequential manner. Choose the correct sequence of conversion as given below:

(a)    RuBP → PGA → PGAL → DHAP

(b)   RuBP → PGAL → PGA → DHAP

(c)    RuBP → an unstable C6 compound → PGAL → PGA

(d)   RuBP → an unstable C6 compound → PGA → PGAL

5. The average of the sum of squares of the deviation about mean is called

(a)    Variance

(b)   Absolute deviation

(c)    Standard deviation

(d)   Mean deviation

6. Red rust of tea is caused by

(a)    Algae

(b)   Fungi

(c)    Cuscuta

(d)   Balanophora

7. Nitrogen fixation in soil is caused by

(a)    Chlorophyceae

(b)   Phaeophyceae

(c)    Myxophyceae

(d)   Rhodophyceae

8. National Biodiversity Act of India comes into effect in the year

(a)    2003

(b)   2001

(c)    2002

(d)   2004

9. Convention on Biological Diversity is also called

(a)    CBD

(b)   Biological Convention

(c)    Global Conservation

(d)   Rio or Earth Summit

10. International Man and Biosphere Program is initiated by

(a)    UNEP

(b)   WTO

(c)    UNESCO

(d)   FAO

11. Acrinomycete genus used to induce nodule formation

(a)    Rhizobium

(b)   Frankia

(c)    Azotobacter

(d)   All of these

12. The cell wall of gram positive bacteria shows

(a)    Pepudoglycan

(b)   Cellulose

(c)    Hemicelluloses

(d)   Chitin

13. Prokaryotic chromosome contains

(a)    Histone

(b)   Non-histone

(c)    Histidine

(d)   All of these

14. Extreme value has no effect on

(a)    Average

(b)   Median

(c)    Geometric mean

(d)   Harmonic mean

15. Regression analysis can be used for

(a)    Reducing the length of confidence interval

(b)   For prediction of dependent variate value

(c)    To know the true effect of certain treatment

16. A sample consists of

(a)    All units of population

(b)   50% units of population

(c)    5% units of population

(d)   Any fraction of population

17. Brewer’s yeast is named

(a)    Mansemula

(b)   Saccharomyces

(c)    Rhodotomla

(d)   Baculo virus

18. Largest Newspaper Industry in India is located at

(a)    Madhya Pradesh

(b)   Uttar Pradesh

(c)    Andhra Pradesh

(d)   Arunachal Pradesh

19. What is the source of chewing gum?

(a)    Sugar from sugarcane

(b)   Gum Arabic from Acacia spp.

(c)    Latex from Achrus sapota

(d)   Fluid from Musa spp.

20. Opium is obtained from

(a)    Dried leaves

(b)   Roots

(c)    Latex from unripe capsules

(d)    Seeds that are fried

  Data Collected & Published by – K. Jeyanthi
  Published on – 6th Oct 2021






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