NMU Jalgaon FY B.Sc Computer Science Paper on C Programming

North Maharashtra University Jalgaon FY B.Sc Computer Science Paper on  C Programming


Sr. No. Question
1 The C language consist of _________number of keywords.

(a)    32

(b)   40

(c)    24

(d)   56

2 Which of the following is keyword used for a storage class?

(a)    Printf

(b)   External

(c)    Auto

(d)   Scanf

3 The prototype of the function in the header file is

(a)    Stdio.h

(b)   Stdlib.h

(c)    Conio.h

(d)   Io.h

4 Processor directives are used for

(a)    Macro Expansion

(b)   File inclusion

(c)    Conditional compilation

(d)   All of these

5 Which operator has the lowest priority?

(a)    ++

(b)   %

(c)    +

(d)   ||

6 The type cast operator is

(a)    (type)

(b)   Cast()

(c)    //

(d)   “”

7 File manipulation functions in C are available in which header file?

(a)    Streams.h

(b)   Stdio.h

(c)    Stdlib.h

(d)   Files.h

8 Which pair of functions below are used for single character I/O?

(a)    Getchar() and putchar()

(b)   Scanf() and printf()

(c)    Input() and Output()

(d)   None of these

9 Which function is used to read character as you type?

(a)    Getchar()

(b)   Getch()

(c)    Getche()

(d)   Both (b)  & (c)

10 Which format specifier is used to print the values of double type variable

(a)    %IF

(b)   %Id

(c)    %Iu

(d)   %f

11 Which of the following is NOT a keyword of ‘C’?

(a)    Auto

(b)   Register

(c)    Int

(d)   Function

12 By default a function returns a value of type

(a)    Int

(b)   Char

(c)    Void

(d)   None of these

13 What is sizeof in ‘C’?

(a)    Operator

(b)   Reserve work

(c)    Both (a) & (b)

(d)   Function

14 Which is not keyword in ‘C’?

(a)    Typedef

(b)   Const

(c)    Near

(d)   Complex

15 Which is valid string function?

(a)    Strpbrk

(b)   Strlen

(c)    Strxfirm

(d)   Struct

16 Which of the following function not convert floating point number to string?

(a)    Fcvt

(b)   Gevt

(c)    Eevt

(d)   Hevt

17 A static variable by default gets initialized to

(a)    0

(b)   Blank space

(c)    1

(d)   Garbage value

18 Which function reallocates memory?

(a)    Realloc

(b)   Alloc

(c)    Malloc

(d)   None of these

19 Which among the following is a unconditional control structure

(a)    Do-while

(b)   If-else

(c)    Goto

(d)   For

20 Which of the following language is predecessor to C programming language?

(a)    A

(b)   B

(c)    BCPL

(d)   C++

  Published on 8th Oct 2021







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