VSSC Electronic Mechanic Technician Paper June 2019
At resonance of a series RLC circuit,
(a) Capacitive reactance is equal to resistance
(b) Capacitive reactance is equal to inductive reactance
(c) Capacitive reactance is zero
(d) Capacitive reactance is equal to the sum of inductive reactance and resistance
Impurity to be added to silicon to make n-type semiconductor is
(a) Arsenic
(b) Gallium
(c) Aluminium
(d) Boron
What is the main application of a 555 IC?
(a) Counter
(b) Timer
(c) Comparator
(d) Amplifier
An LED emits light when it is
(a) Forward Biased
(b) Reverse Biased
(c) Unbiased
(d) None of these
Cut in voltage of a Germanium diode is
(a) 0.7 V
(b) 0.3 V
(c) 1.2 V
(d) 1.0 V
Which is the most desirable property for an insulator?
(a) High dielectric strength
(b) High thermal conductivity
(c) High mechanical strength
(d) High electrical conductivity
Which of the following is an impact printer?
(a) Laser printer
(b) Dot matrix printer
(c) Inkjet printer
(d) Bubble jet printer
Which of the following is not a common network topology?
(a) Star
(b) Ring
(c) Bus
(d) Daisy chain
Which metal has the highest conductivity?
(a) Gold
(b) Copper
(c) Iron
(d) Silver
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