Dr. Harisingh Gour University Sagar PGET M.Sc Applied Microbiology 2019 Paper

This paper consists 200 objective type questions for 2 hrs duration on applied microbiology.


Sr. No. Question
1 The polaurity of water molecule is due to

(a)    Its tetrahedral structure

(b)   Bonding electrons being attracted more to oxygen

(c)    Bonding electrons being attracted more to hydrogen

(d)   Its weak electrolytic property

2 When bacteria growing at 20 degree Celsius are warmed at 37 degree Celsius, they are most likely to synthesize membrane lipids with more

(a)    Short chain saturated fatty acids

(b)   Short chain unsaturated fatty acids

(c)    Long chain saturated fatty acids

(d)   None of these

3 Cyanide poisoning is due to its direct inhibition of

(a)    Electron transport chain

(b)   Fatty acid biosynthesis

(c)    Fatty acid oxidation

(d)   Nucleic acid biosynthesis

4 In humans, the largest energy reserve is

(a)    Liver glycogen

(b)   Muscle glycogen

(c)    Blood glucose

(d)   Adipose tissue triacylglycerol

5 Radioactive iodine can be introduced in

(a)    Serine

(b)   Threonine

(c)    Tyrosine

(d)   Leucine

6 Which one of the following has least solubility in water

(a)    Lysozyme

(b)   Collagenase

(c)    DNA polymerase

(d)   Rhodopsin

7 Enzyme catalyse biochemical reaction by

(a)    Sequestering the products

(b)   Decreasing the Ag of the reaction

(c)    Increasing the Ag of the reaction

(d)   Stabilizing the transition state of the reaction

8 Which statement is NOT correct regarding brown fat?

(a)    It is present in lesser amount in new born baby

(b)   It is produces little ATP

(c)    In mitochondria electron transport chain and phosphorylation are uncoupled

(d)   It produces more heat

9 Which enzyme is used in estimation of glucose form  blood sample using bio sensors

(a)    Alkaline phosphatase

(b)   Glucose oxidase

(c)    Glucokinase

(d)   Glycogen phosphorylase

10 Which thermodynamic property cannot be measured in the cell directly

(a)    Free energy

(b)   Enthalpy

(c)    Entropy

(d)   Temperature

11 Transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in blood is

(a)    O2 in blood form & CO2 in dissolved form

(b)   CO2 in bound form & O2 in dissolved form

(c)    Both in dissolved form

(d)   Both in bound form

12 In sickle cell anemia the RBCs are sickle shaped due to

(a)    Change in shape of hemoglobin in oxygen unbount form

(b)   Change in shape of hemoglobin in oxygen bound form

(c)    Loss of spectrin cyto skeleton protein

(d)   Due to loss of ATP synthesis

13 Which process does not occur in mitochondria

(a)    Fatty acid biosynthesis

(b)   Protein synthesis

(c)    B-oxidation

(d)   PNA – synthesis

14 Among the following imino acid is

(a)    Proline

(b)   Arginine

(c)    Tryptophan

(d)   Lysine

15 Enzymes melerete rate of reaction by

(a)    Lowering number of transition stte

(b)   Lowering activation energy of highest transition

(c)    Providing energy to substrate

(d)   Providing more chance to substrate to react together

  Published on 2nd Oct 2021






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