UPSC Data Processing Assistant Sample Question Paper

Data Processing Assistant Model Paper

If You are appearing in UPSC exam for Data Processing Assistant posts in Information Technology Department, Govt. of NcT of Delhi or in National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), Women Safety, Ministry of Home Affairs which will be conducting on 30th Jan 2022 at various exam centers and searching the Data Processing Assistant Previous year papers. Then you are at right place. Here we are providing the Data Processing Assistant Model paper on data structure


Sr. No. Question
1 The data structure required to evaluate a postfix expression is ________

(a)    Stack

(b)   Array

(c)    Queue

(d)   Linked list

2 The term “push” and “pop” is related to the ________

(a)    Stack

(b)   Array

(c)    Queue

(d)   All the above

3 Linked list can be _______

(a)    Single

(b)   Double

(c)    Circular

(d)   All of these

4 The process of arranging data in alphabetical or numerical order is called _______

(a)    Sorting

(b)   Searching

(c)    Traversal

(d)   Merging

5 What member function places a new node at the end of the lined list?

(a)    Add Node

(b)   Append Node

(c)    Display Node

(d)   Struct Node

6 The worst case time complexity of AVL tree is better in comparison to binary search tree for ______

(a)    Search and Insert Operations

(b)   Search and Delete Operations

(c)    Search, Insert and Delete Operations

(d)   Insert and Delete Operations

7 Consider a linked list of n elements. What is the time taken  to insert an element after an element pointed by some pointer?

(a)    O(1)

(b)   O(log2 n)

(c)    O(n)

(d)   O(nlog2 n)

8 A binary tree in which if all its levels except possibly the past, have the maximum number of nodes and all the nodes at the last level appear as far left as possible, is known as _______

(a)    AVL tree

(b)   Full binary tree

(c)    Threaded free

(d)   Complete binary tree

9 In a circular linked list _______

(a)    There is no beginning and no end

(b)   Components are arranged hierarchically

(c)    Forward and backward traversal within the list is permitted

(d)   Components are all linked together in some sequential manner

10 A mathematical-model with a collection of operation defined on that model is called _______

(a)    Data structure

(b)   Abstract data type

(c)    Primitive data type

(d)   Algorithm

11 An adjacency matrix representation of a graph cannot contain information of

(a)    Nodes

(b)   Edges

(c)    Direction of edges

(d)   Parallel edges

12 In breadth first search of graph, which of the following data structure is used?

(a)    Stack

(b)   Queue

(c)    Linked list

(d)   None of these

13 Which of the following algorithmic paradigm is used in the merge sort?

(a)    Dynamic programming

(b)   Back tracking

(c)    Greedy method

(d)   Divide and conquer

Published on 5th Oct 2021







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