BSP SAIL Boiler Operator Paper

BSP SAIL Boiler Operator Paper | Bhilai Steel Plant SAIL Boiler Operator Model Paper

BSP SAIL Boiler Operator Paper with answer

Which of the following boiler is best suited to meet the fluctuating demand of steam…….

a.Locomotive boiler

b.Lancashire boiler

c.Cornish boiler

d.Babcock and wilcox boiler

Ans – a

Which of the folling is a water tube boiler……..

a.Locomotive boiler

b.Lancashire boiler

c.Cornish boiler

d.Babcock and wilcox boiler

Ans- d

The economiser is used in boilers to……..

a.Increase thermal efficiency of boiler

b.Economise on fule

c.Extract heat from the exhaust the gases

d.Increase flue gas temperature

Ans- a

An economiser in a boiler……..

a.Increases steam pressure

b.Increases steam flow

c.Decreases fuel consumption

D.Decreases steam pressure

Ans- c

Size of boiler tubes is specified by

a.Mean diameter and thickness

b.Inside diameter and thickness

c.Outside diameter and thickness

d.Outside diameter and inside diameter

Ans- c

The state of vapor under saturation condition is described by (a) pressure alone (b) temperature alone (c) pressure and temperature (d) pressure and dryness fraction Ans- d

Pick up the wrong statement about critical condition of steam (a) latent heat is zero (b) liquid directly becomes steam (c) specific volume of steam and liquid is same (d) this is the maximum pressure limit Ans- d

Water boils when its vapour pressure (a) equals that of the surroundings (b) equals 760 mm of mercury (c) equals to atmospheric pressure (d) equals the pressure of water in the container Ans- a






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