CEPTAM Tech A Electronics Mechanic Sample Paper

CEPTAM Tech A Electronics Mechanic Sample Paper| CEPTAM Model Paper on Electronics Mechanic  for Technician Post

1 Flaming’s left hand rule is applicable to

(a) dc generator

(b) dc motor

(c) alternator

(d) transformer

2 Five cells, each with an e.m.f. of 2V and itnernal resistance of 0.5 Ohms are connected in series. The resulting battery will have

(a) An e.m.f of 2 V and an internal resistance of 0.5 Ohms

(b) An e.m.f of 10 V and an internal resistance of 2.5 Ohms

(c) An e.m.f of 2 V and an internal resistance of 0.1 Ohms

(d) An e.m.f of 10 V and internal resistance of 0.1 Ohms

3 The power factor of a D.C circuit is always

(a) less than unity

(b) unity

(c) greater than unity

(d) Zero

4 The direction of current in an AC circuit

(a) is from positive to negative

(b) is always in one direction

(c) varies from instant to instant

(d) cannot be determined

5 Three 60 W bulbs are in parallel across the 230V power line. If one bulb burns out

(a) there will be heavy current in the main line

(b) rest of the two bulbs will not light

(c) all three bulbs will not light

(d) the other two bulbs will remain glowing

6 If 120 Coulomb of charge passes through a conductor in 60 sec, the current in the conductor is

(a) 0.5 A

(b) 2 A

(c) 3.33 mA

(d) 0.3 mA

7 If the capacity of a battery is 2800 mAh, it can supply 1.4 Ampere current for

(a) 200 minutes

(b) 100 minutes

(c) 120 minutes

(d) 240 minutes

8 Percentage voltage regulation = ______ x 100; (Where VNL= No Load Voltage, VFL = Full Load Voltage)

(a) (VNL-VFL)/ VFL

(b) (VNL-VFL)/ VNL



9 Maximum power is transferred when

(a) Load Impedance is greater than source Impedance

(b) Load Impedance is less than source Impedance

(c) Load Impedance = source impedance

(d) Load Impedance = 0 (zero)

10 In a step-up or step-down transformer, electrical power is transferred from one circuit to another without change in

(a) voltage

(b) current

(c) frequency

(d) capacitance







One response to “CEPTAM Tech A Electronics Mechanic Sample Paper”

  1. V.Rakesh Avatar

    Can u send a previous papers and question and answers..plz.

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