Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre Technician Electronic Mechanic Paper 2019
What is the color code for a 3300 Ohm, +/-5% resistor?
(a) Orange, Orange, Red, Gold
(b) Orange, Orange, Black, Silver
(c) Red, Red, Black, Gold
(d) Red, Red, Brown, Silver
A logic function of how many inputs can be simplified using a Karnaugh map with 4 rows and 4 Columns?
(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 8
(d) 16
A diode used as a voltage regulator
(a) Zener diode
(b) Schottky diode
(c) Fast recovery diode
(d) Light emitting diode
In a battery, four cells are connected in parallel. Each cell has a rating of 1.5 V and 4 AH. The ampere hour rating of the battery is
(a) 4 AH
(b) 16 AH
(c) 1.5 AH
(d) 6 AH
Three numbers of 120 pF capacitors are connected in series, the effective capacitance is
(a) 40 pF
(b) 120 pF
(c) 360 pF
(d) 240 pF
Current in a circuit is
(a) Charge/ time
(b) Charge x time
(c) Voltage/ time
(d) voltage x time
An advantage of switched mode power supply is
(a) Low ripple and noise
(b) EMI related issues are less
(c) High efficiency
(d) High switching spike
What is the effect of increasing the gauge of the wire from 22A WG to 26A WG, all other parameters remaining the same?
(a) Resistance increases
(b) Resistance decreases
(c) Resistance remains the same
(d) None of theses
Doping material for p type semiconductor is
(a) Arsenic
(b) Antimony
(c) Bismuth
(d) Gallium
Among the following which has the maximum efficiency?
(a) Incandescent lamp
(b) CFL
(c) LED
(d) Fluorescent Lamp
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