TNPSC Scientific Assistant Microbiology Paper 2010

Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Scientific Assistant Microbiology Paper 2010

Which of the following vitamins is formed out of linkage between 5,6-dimethyl benzinidazole ribonucleotide and cobinamide molecule?
(a) Vitamin A
(b) Vitamin B2
(c) Vitamin B12
(d) Vitamin C

Effectiveness of Beta lactam antibiotics have been greatly increased
(a) by side chain removal
(b) by side chain modification
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these

Sequence in correct order is
(a) Strain selection, Media production, Downstream process, Fermentation
(b) Strain selection, Media production, Fermentation, Downstream process
(c) Media production, Strain selection, Fermentation, Downstream process
(d) Strain selection, Downstream process, Media production, Fermentation

Which of the following techniques follows batch fermentation process?
(a) Chemostat
(b) Turbidostat
(c) Auxostat
(d) None of these

Corynebacterium glutamicum is used in the production of
(a) L-Glutamic acid
(b) L-Lysine
(c) both L-Glutamic acid and L-Lysine
(d) None of these

A compound present in the outer layer of fruits & vegetables is
(a) Chitin
(b) pectin
(c) hydrin
(d) somatin

Saccharolytic bacteria acts on
(a) peptides
(b) amino acids
(c) sugar
(d) lipids

Osmophilic bacteria
(a) survive in high pressure
(b) survive in low salt
(c) survive in high sugar
(d) Both (a) and (b)

Consider the following statements
Biogas can be used for
(I) cooking
(II) lighting
(III) running space vehicles
(IV) running trains
of these
(a) I & III are correct
(b) II & III are correct
(c) I & IV are correct
(d) I & II are correct

Biogas forms a combustible mixture with air in the range of
(a) 6% to 15%
(b) 15% to 25%
(c) 20% to 30%
(d) 30% to 40%






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