SPI Aurangabad Question Paper on Chemistry

SPI Aurangabad sample Question Paper | PPT 2016 Paper July 4 – Chemistry

Four elements W,X,Y & Z belong to the same period of the periodic table. Their atomic radii are 74 pm, 84 pm, 111 pm and 152 pm respectively. Which one among them will have the highest iniosation energy?
(a) Y
(b) Z
(c) W
(d) X


Identify the vitamin whose deficiency leads to increased blood clotting time
(a) Vitamin A
(b) Vitamin K
(c) Vitamin C
(d) Vitamin D


Lead pollution in the atmosphere is caused mainly due to
(a) Tetra ethyl lead
(b) Lead sulphide
(c) Tetra methyl lead
(d) Lead sulphate


Which of the following set of metals require the same amount of charge of deposition of one mole of metal?
(a) Na, Ag, Al
(b) Al, Cu, Zn
(c) Mg, Zn, Cu
(d) Ag, Zn, Cu


Which among the following will have the largest number of molecules?
(a) 1g of SO2
(b) 1g of CO2
(c) 1g of H2
(d) 1g of NH3


Calculate the mass of CO2 prdouced by heating 50 g CaCO3.
(a) 22 g
(b) 44 g
(c) 11 g
(d) 56 g


The solubility of a gas in liquid can be increased by
(a) Increasing the temperature
(b) By increasing the pressure
(c) By decreasing the temperature
(d) By increasing the pressure and dcereasing the temperature


In an experiement, 4.90 g of copper oxide was obtained from 3.92 g of copper. In another experiment, 4.55 g of copper oxide gave, on reduction, 3.64 gram of copper. Which of the law of chemical combinations is illustrated by these experiements?
(a) Law of conservation of mass
(b) Law of constant proportion
(c) Law of multiple proportion
(d) Law of reciprocal proportion


In a sample of ethyl acetate CH3COOC2H5, the two oxygen atoms have the same number of electrons but different number of neutrons. Which of the following is the correct statement for it.
(a) One of the oxygen atoms has gained an electron
(b) One of the oxygen atoms has gained a proton
(c) The two oxygen atoms are isotopes
(d) The two oxygen atoms are isobars.


In Manganese, Mn(atomic Number =25), the total number of orbits populated by one or more electrons in ground state is
(a) 4
(b) 3
(c) 5
(d) None of the above


Among the following compounds, which one would undergo addition reaction with Br2?
(a) CH3CH2CH2CH3
(b) CH3CH3
(c) CH3CH2CH3
(d) CH3CH2CH=CH2


Iron pyrite ore is concentrated by _____
(a) Magnetic separation
(b) Leaching
(c) Forth floatation process
(d) Hydraulic washing


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