SPI Aurangabad 2024 Sample Question Paper on Chemistry

SPI Aurangabad Model Question Paper | PPT 2017 Paper Third Shift Chemistry

Last Updated on 11th April 2024

Name the radio isotope which is involved in the determination of age of fossils?
(a) Carbon-14
(b) Hydrogen-3
(c) Oxygen-18
(d) Nitrogen-15


The difference between baking soda and banking powder is that
(a) Baking soda contains tartaric acid
(b) Baking powder contains tartaric acid
(c) Baking soda is sodium hydrogen carbonate and baking powder is sodium carbonate
(d) Baking soda is acidic and baking powder is basic in nature


The limiting molar conductivity is the conductivity of an electrolyte when ______
(a) the concentration of the electrolyte is 1M
(b) the resistance of the solution is very high
(c) the concentration of the electrolyte is very high
(d) the concentration of the electrolyte is nearly zero


Identify which one of the following reactions is endothermic?
(a) Sulphur reacting with oxygen to form sulphur dioxide
(b) Carbon reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide
(c) Oxygen decomposes to form ozone
(d) Nitrogen combines with hydrogen to form ammonia


A gas tends to expand indefinitely into a vaccum or into another gas. This ability of the gas is called -______
(a) viscosity
(b) compressibility
(c) turbulence
(d) diffusion


A typical example of homopolysaccharide is _____
(a) inulin
(b) lignin
(c) starch
(d) insulin


Pentane has the molecular formula C5H12. It has ______
(a) 8 covalent bonds
(b) 10 covalent bonds
(c) 16 covalent bonds
(d) 14 covalent bonds


Which of the following does NOT scatter light?
(a) Sugar solution
(b) Milk
(c) Soap solution
(d) Smoke


Identify which metal has the lowest melting point?
(a) Fluorine
(b) Magnesium
(c) Zinc
(d) Sodium


The two colours seen at the extreme end of the pH paper are _______
(a) Blue and red
(b) Red and green
(c) Orange and red
(d) Green and blue


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