SDSC Technical Assistant Mechanical Previous Paper 2016

SDSC Technical Assistant Mechanical Previous Paper

The SDSC (Satish Dhawan Space Centre) Technical Assistant Mechanical exam 2023 is a highly competitive examination for aspiring engineers seeking to join the esteemed Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

To crack this ISRO Technical Assistant examination, it is crucial to have a solid preparation strategy, which includes thorough study of previous year papers.

In this article, we will discuss the importance of ISRO previous year papers, provide an overview of the SDSC Technical Assistant Mechanical exam, and guide you on how to effectively utilize previous year papers for ISRO SAC Technical Assistant exam preparation.

Understanding the SDSC Technical Assistant Mechanical Exam:

The SDSC Technical Assistant Mechanical exam is designed to assess the knowledge and skills of candidates in the field of mechanical engineering.

It consists of objective-type questions covering various topics such as engineering mechanics, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, strength of materials, manufacturing processes, and more at Engineering Diploma level Syllabus.

The exam typically consists of multiple-choice questions with four options, and candidates must select the correct answer among them.

SDSC Technical Assistant Mechanical Previous Paper 2016

Sr.No. Question
1 In 18/8 steel, what is the percentage of chromium?

(a)    18

(b)   8

(c)    1

(d)   0

2 Case hardening is

(a)    Done to get a soft ductile interior with a very hard surface

(b)   Done to get a hard ductile interior with a very hard surface

(c)    Followed by tempering

(d)   None of these

3 In spear gears , the profile is

(a)    Surface of top of tooth

(b)   Curve forming face and flank

(c)    Part of tooth surface below pitch surface

(d)   Circular shape

4 Efficiency of Carnot Cycle is the function of

(a)    Absolute temperature range

(b)   Absolute pressure

(c)    Properties of air

(d)   None of the above

5 For same compression ratio

(a)    Thermal efficiency of ottocycle is greater than that of diesel cycle

(b)   Thermal efficiency of ottocycle is less than that of diesel cycle

(c)    Both (a) & (b)

(d)   Thermal efficiency of ottocycle is equal to that of diesel cycle

6 In a cam and follower mechanism, cam is a

(a)    Follower

(b)   Driver

(c)    Frame

(d)   Actuator

7 In solid shaft, stress at the centre is

(a)    Maximum

(b)   Minimum

(c)    Zero

(d)   Average

8 Keys are generally made of

(a)    Mild steel

(b)   High carbon steel

(c)    C.I

(d)   Wrought iron

9 In designing a shaft, hub and key for a system, weakest member taken is

(a)    Shaft

(b)   Hub

(c)    Key

(d)   All are equally strong

10 One kg force is equal to

(a)    1.02 N

(b)   8.9 N

(c)    9.8 N

(d)   12 N

11 A 16 N force produce a moment of 64 Nm. The moment arm is

(a)    2 mtr.

(b)   1.41 mtr

(c)    8 mtr

(d)   4 mtr

12 Whenever a material is loaded within elastic limit, stress is ____ strain.

(a)    Equal to

(b)   Directly proportional to

(c)    Inversely proportional to

(d)   Not equal

13 The impact strength of a material is an index of its

(a)    Toughness

(b)   Tensile strength

(c)    Fatigue strength

(d)   Hardness

14 For a material with poisons ratio 0.25, the ratio of modulus of rigidity to modulus of elasticity will be

(a)    0.4

(b)   1.2

(c)    2.0

(d)   3.6

15 Cetane number is the measure of

(a)    Viscosity of fuel

(b)   Ignition quality

(c)    Calorific value of fuel

(d)   Auto- ignition

16 What is the propulsive efficiency?

(a)    It is the ratio of thrust power and propulsive power

(b)   It is the ratio of thrust power and heat increased by combustion of fuel

(c)    It is the ratio of propulsive work and heat released by combustion of fuel

(d)   It is the ratio engine output and propulsive work

17 Which one is S.I engine

(a)    Petrol

(b)   Diesel

(c)    Gas

(d)   None of these

18 The flow through a nozzle is regarded as

(a)    Adiabatic flow

(b)   Constant volume flow

(c)    Isothermal flow

(d)   Constant pressure flow

19 At 100% RH, the three characteristics DBT, WBT & DPT are

(a)    Different

(b)   Equal

(c)    Any two are equal

(d)   None of the above

20 Which one of the following is mounted between the engine and gearbox?

(a)    Propeller shaft

(b)   Differential

(c)    Clutch

(d)   Reduction gear

21 Quality may be defined as

(a)    Fitness for purpose

(b)   Degree of preference and excellence

(c)    Conformance to specification

(d)   All of them

22 Founder of micro motion study is

(a)    Taylor

(b)   Fayal

(c)    Gilbreth

(d)   Mundel

23 PERT/CPM are

(a)    Analytical methods

(b)   Graphical method

(c)    Inspection techniques

(d)   Network techniques

24 The rivet of a riveted joint is subjected to

(a)    Tensile stress

(b)   Bending stress

(c)    Shear stress

(d)   All of the above

25 The energy stored in a body when strained within elastic limit is known as

(a)    Resilience

(b)   Proof resilience

(c)    Strain energy

(d)   Impact energy

26 A beam supported on more than two supports is called

(a)    Simply supported beam

(b)   Continuous beam

(c)    Fixed beam

(d)   Overhang beam

27 The bending moment at the end of a cantilever beam is

(a)    Zero

(b)   Minimum

(c)    Maximum

(d)   Average

28 The bending moment diagram for simply supported beam loaded in its centre is

(a)    A right angled triangle

(b)   An isosceles triangle

(c)    An equilateral triangle

(d)   A rectangle

29 The height of the chimney in a steam power plant is governed by

(a)    Control of pollution

(b)   Draught to be produced

(c)    Flue gases type of boiler

30 A Pelton wheel is an

(a)    Axial flow impulse turbine

(b)   Inward flow impulse turbine

(c)    Outward flow impulse turbine

(d)   Inward flow reaction turbine

31 Ratio of shaft power to brake power is called

(a)    Mechanical efficiency

(b)   Hydraulic efficiency

(c)    Overall efficiency

(d)   Turbine efficiency

32 One horse power is equal to

(a)    102 Watts

(b)   75 Watts

(c)    550 Watts

(d)   735 Watts

33 The point of application of the total pressure on the surface is called

(a)     Centroid of the surface

(b)   Centre of pressure

(c)    Centre of gravity

(d)   Centre of area

34 The pressure of liquid on a surface will always act ____ to the surface

(a)    Parallel

(b)   Normal

(c)    45 degree

(d)   60 degree

35 The symbol  ‘o’ represents

(a)    Circularity

(b)   Cylindericity

(c)    Roundness

(d)   Concentricity

36 1 ton of refrigeration implies heat transfer at the rate of

(a)    210 kJ/ min

(b)   210 kJ/ sec

(c)    1000 kJ/ hr

(d)   2 kJ/ hr

37 Ratio of refrigerating effect to the work supplied is called

(a)    Coefficient of Performance (COP)

(b)   Energy Performance Ratio (EPR)

(c)    Efficiency

(d)   Relative COP

38 Bell – Coleman cycle is applicable to

(a)    Vapour compressor refrigeration

(b)   Vapor absorption refrigeration

(c)    Air refrigeration

(d)   All of them

39 A refrigerant mostly used for reciprocating compressor is

(a)    NH3

(b)   CO2

(c)    Freon – 12

(d)   Freon  – 22

40 Throttling operation occurs in

(a)    Evaporator

(b)   Expansion valve

(c)    Condenser

(d)   Compressor

41 The point of contraflexture is a point where

(a)    Shear force changes sign

(b)   Bending moment changes sign

(c)    Shear force is maximum

(d)   Bending moment is maximum

42 If a simply supported beam is subjected to a uniformly distributed load, then the upper layer of the beam will be in

(a)    Tension

(b)   Compression

(c)    Both

(d)   Either  (a) or (b)

43 The volumetric strain is the ratio of the

(a)    Original volume to the change in volume

(b)   Change in volume to the original volume

(c)    Change in thickness to the original thickness

(d)   Change of volumetric strain

44 Identify the hardest metal

(a)    Iron

(b)   Platinum

(c)    Tungsten

(d)   Diamond

45 The percentage of carbon in cast iron usually varies between

(a)    0.1 to 0.2%

(b)   0.5% to 1.0%

(c)    1.0 to 1.5%

(d)   2.5 to 3.5%

46 Compressive strength of cast iron as compared to tensile strength is

(a)    More

(b)   Less

(c)    Same

(d)   None of the above

47 In a flange coupling, the flange bolts are designed for

(a)    Fatigue

(b)   Shear force

(c)    Compression

(d)   Tensile force

48 The material used for coating the electrode is called

(a)    Flux

(b)   Slag

(c)    Deoxidizer

(d)   Binder

49 The thread used for transmission of power is

(a)    Square thread

(b)   Buttress thread

(c)    Acme thread

(d)   British association thread

50 RMS method gives

(a)    Tolerance

(b)   Allowance

(c)    Surface roughnes

(d)   Fit

51 The relation between two assembling ports is known as

(a)    Limit

(b)   Fit

(c)    Allowance

(d)   Tolerance

52 Lewis equation is applied

(a)    Only to the pinion

(b)   Only to the gear

(c)    To stronger of the pinion or gear

(d)   To weaker of the pinion or gear

53 In V-belts the contract between the pulley and the belt is at the

(a)    Bottom only

(b)   Both side and bottom

(c)    Top and bottom

(d)   Sides only

54 Normally spring operates within

(a)    Elastic limits

(b)   Plastic limits

(c)    Elastic-plastic limits

(d)   All of the above

55 Thin shell of thickness ‘t’ and diameter d, is subject to an internal pressure of p . Then the hoop stress induced is equal to

(a)    Pd/2t

(b)   Pd/4t

(c)    Pd/6t

(d)   Pd/t







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