RSMSSB Junior Engineer Diploma Level Mechanical Paper 2016

RSMSSB JE Mechanical Diploma Level 2016 paper

The viscosity of
(a) Liquid increases with temperature
(b) Fluids decreases with temperature
(c) Fluids increases with temperature
(d) Gases increases with temperature

Local atmospheric pressure is measured by
(a) Barometer
(b) Altimeter
(c) Hydrometer
(d) Hygrometer

The power transmitted through the pipe is maximum when head lost due to friction in pipe is equal to
(a) 1/3 of total supply head
(b) 1/4 of total supply head
(c) 1/5 of total supply head
(d) 1/8 of total supply head

The energy loss in a pipe line is due to
(a) Viscous action only
(b) Surface Roughness only
(c) Friction offered by pipe wall as well as viscous action
(d) None of the above

A turbulent piep flow is said to be in the transitional regime, if the friction factor
(a) Independent of Reynolds number
(b) Independent of relative roughness
(c) Independent of both Reynold number and relative roughness
(d) Dependent on both Reynold number and relative roughness

The flow in town water supply pipes in generally
(a) Laminar
(b) Transition
(c) Turbulent
(d) Any of the above

The total head in a flow is the sum of
(a) Piezeometric head and datum head
(b) Pieeometric head and pressure head
(c) Piezeometric head and velocity head
(d) Piezeometric head, velocity head and datum head

Hydraulic accumulator is used for
(a) Accumulating oil
(b) Accumulating hydraulic energy
(c) Supplying large quantities of oil for very short duration
(d) Supplying energy when main supply fails

With regard to hydraulic ram, which of the following statements is INCORRECT
(a) It works automatically
(b) It requires very little maintenance
(c) Its running cost is high
(d) It has no moving parts

Discharge through a double acting reciprocating pump is given as
(a) ALN/60
(b) ALN/120
(c) ZALN/60
(d) 3ALN/120

Reciprocating pumps are most suited for where
(a) Operating speeds are much high
(b) Constant heads are required on mains despite
(c) Constant supplies are required regardless of pressure fluctuations
(d) None of the above

The delivery value while starting centrifugal pump is kept
(a) Half open
(b) Fully open
(c) Fully Close
(d) in any position

The ratio of power developed by the reconer to the power supplied by the jet at entrance to the turbine is known as
(a) Hydraulic efficiency
(b) Mechanical efficiency
(c) Volumetric efficiency
(d) Overall efficiency

Piston rings usually made of
(a) Carbon steel
(b) Aluminium
(c) Cast-Iron
(d) Phosphorous bronze

In a carburetor idling system is used
(a) For cold starting
(b) To compensate for dilution of charge due to residual gases
(c) For rapid opening of throttle
(d) For meeting maximum power requirements

The compression ratio used in a high speed C.I engine is of the order of
(a) 4
(b) 8
(c) 12
(d) 20

Morse test can be easily applied to determine I.P. of
(a) Single cylinder C.I. engine
(b) Multi cylinder C.I. engine
(c) Single cylinder S.I engine
(d) Multi cylinder S.I. engine






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