Rajasthan Technical Education Second Year Paper 2016 – Building Construction I

Rajasthan Technical Education Second Year Paper 2016 – Building Construction I

Masonry block at corner of wall in stone or brick called as
(a) Quoin
(b) Queen closer
(c) Bat
(d) Bullnose

During masonry frog is placed as
(a) Upside
(b) Downside
(c) Sidewise
(d) Anywhere

Frog in brick is made for
(a) Reduce brick weight
(b) Filling mortar to increase strength
(c) For marking names and year
(d) For stacking of brick

In brick masonry if one course consist of header after three or four stretcher. This type of bond is called as
(a) English garden wall bond
(b) Flemish garden wall bond
(c) Hurring bone bond
(d) Stretcher

The extension of one or more course of stone from the face of a wall to serve as support for wall plate
(a) Cornice
(b) Drip stone
(c) Cramp
(c) Corbel

The two leaves in outer face forming a gap in between the wall called as
(a) Air drain
(b) Water drain
(c) Parapet
(d) Cavity wall

Flexible material to stop dampness in structure is called as
(a) Bitumen
(b) Cement concrete
(c) Mortar
(d) Paraffin wax

Top course in parapet wall to check penetration of rain water is called as
(a) Drip course
(b) Bonding course
(c) Cornice
(d) Crown

For the easily rain water drainage at crown, sill and projection cut provided is called as
(a) Bonding course
(b) Drip course
(c) Drip
(d) All

The vertical cross wall face of a door or window which support the frame called as
(a) Sill
(b) Jamb
(c) Reveal
(d) All

Cut made inside a frame all around the shutters received by mean of hinge called as
(a) Recess
(b) Rebate
(c) Fenner
(d) Louver

The vertical member use in door opening called as
(a) Rail
(b) Sill
(c) Frame
(d) Style

The rail in between the top rail and cock rail in panned door called as
(a) Top rail
(b) Cock rail
(c) Mulliion
(d) Frieze

The vertical window built on the slopping side of pitched roof called as
(a) Bay window
(b) Cleve storey window
(c) Dormer window
(d) Skylight window

Window projected outside the external wall of building is known as
(a) Bay window
(b) Skylight window
(c) Dormer window
(d) Casement window






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