PRL Scientific Assistant Computer Science/ IT Paper 2019 – Metal Ability Test

Physical Research Laboratory Scientific Assistant CS/IT Paper 2019
Date of Exam – 10.02.2019

I Purple is called Blue, Blue is called Green, Green is called White, White is called Orange, then what is the colour of salt as per above coding?
(a) White
(b) Green
(c) Orange
(d) Blue

If 2 12 15 1 20 stands for ‘BLOAT’, what does 20 23 9 19 20 stands for?

In an examination, a student was asked to find 3/14 of a certain number. By mistake, he found 3/4 of that number. His answer was 150 more than the correct answer. Find the given number
(a) 190
(b) 250
(c) 280
(d) 350

The cricket ball is lighter than the hockey ball and volleyball is lighter than the football. Hockey ball is lighter than the football but heavier than the tennis ball. Which of the following is the heaviest?
(a) Hockey ball
(b) Cricket ball
(c) Volley ball
(d) Foot ball

Arrange the following in a meaninful sequiential order : Doctor, Fever, Medicine, Medical Shop
(a) Medical Shop, Medicine, Fever, Doctor
(b) Fever, Doctor, Medical shop, Medicine
(c) Doctor, Medical shop, Medicine, fever
(d) Medicine, Doctor, Medical Shop, Fever

Most appropriate synonym of word ” Tenacity”
(a) ingratitude
(b) decimation
(c) splendour
(d) preserverance

A train covers a distance of 60 km between statin A and B in 45 minutes. If its speed is reduced by 5 km/hr, how much time in minutes will it take to cover the same distance?
(a) 80
(b) 42
(c) 48
(d) 50

A certain amount of money has to be divided amongst P,Q and R in the ratio 3:5:6. If R receives Rs. 400 more than Q, then by how much money would P and Q differ in their shares?
(a) Rs. 1200
(b) Rs. 800
(c) Rs. 1600
(d) Data inadequate

Mukesh has 2/3rd of the money that Sunil has and Sunil has 3/5th of the money that Panna has. Panna has Rs. 400 with him. Then how much money does Mukesh have?
(a) Rs. 266.67
(b) Rs. 16
(c) Rs. 2000
(d) Rs. 160

The product of the ages of A and B is 240. If twice the age of B more than A’s age by 4 years, what is A’s age?
(a) 13 years
(b) 12 years
(c) 14 years
(d) 15 years

In a barrack of soldiers there was stock of food for 190 days for 4000 soldiers. After 30, days, 800 soldiers left the barrack. For how many days shall the leftover food last for the remaining soldiers?
(a) 225 days
(b) 200 days
(c) 175 days
(d) 250 days






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