PRL Scientific Assistant Computer Science/ IT Paper 2019

PRL Scientific Assistant Computer Science Previous Paper | Physical Research Laboratory Scientific Assistant CS/IT Paper 2019

Date of Exam – 10.02.2019

PRL Scientific Assistant CS Previous Paper 2019

Sr. No. Questions
1 Which of the following best describes UPS device function,

(a) It increased the storage capacity of a computer system

(b) It increases the process speed

(c) It provides backup power in the event of a power cut

(d) None of the above

Ans –(c)

2 When an attempt is to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users, the attack is called

(a) denial-of-service-attack

(b) slow read attack

(c) spear phishing attack

(d) vishing attack

Ans –(a)

3 In case of asymmetric encryption, which statement is true?

(a) Same key is used for encryption and decryption process

(b) Different keys are used encryption and decrypton process

(c) No key is requied for encryption and decryption process

(d) None of the above mentioned

Ans – (b)

4 Which one of the following is not an attack, but a search for vulnerable services to exploit?

(a) denial of service

(b) port scanning

(c) memory access violation

(d) dumpster diving

Ans –(b)

5 In OSI model of computer networking, which layer lies between transport layer and data link layer?

(a) physical

(b) Network

(c) Application

(d) Session

Ans –(b)

6 Which of the following keyword in C language is used within loops to abandon processing and leave the loop?

(a) do

(b) continue

(c) goto

(d) break


7 Which SQL query statement is used to remove a table and all its data from the database?

(a) Create table

(b) Alter table

(c) Drop table

(d) None of the above

8 What do you mean by broadcasting in Networking?

(a) It means addressing a packet to a particular machine only

(b) It means addressing a packet to some machines

(c) It means addressing a packet to all machines in given network

(d) None of the above

Ans – (c)

9 What is the typical range of Ephemeral ports?

(a) 1 to 80

(b) 1 to 1024

(c) 80 to 8080

(d) 1024 to 65535


10 Consider the following four RAID configuration oprations

(1) RAID 0

(2) RAID 1

(3) RAID 3

(4) RAID 5

Ans- (b)

11 Which of the following command will be used to change the mod of the directory named foo recursively to 744?

(a)  Chmod-d 744 foo

(b) Chmod – R 744 foo

(c)  Chmod – r 744 foo

(d) Chmod – D 744 foo

Ans – (b)

12 Which is a correct C language statement to output \n on the screen?

(a)  printf(“\n”);

(b) printf(“\\\n”);

(c)  printf(“\\n”);

(d) printf(“\/n”);

Ans – (c)

13 In computer science terminology, One kilo bits is equal to

(a)  1000 bits

(b) 1028 bits

(c)  1022 bits

(d) 1024 bits

Ans – (d)

14 The time for the disk arm to move the heads to the cylinder containing the desired sector is called

(a)  Disk time

(b) Seek time

(c)  Arm time

(d) Sector time

Ans – (b)

15 In computer networking what is the use of ping command?

(a)  To test a device on the network is reachable

(b) To test  a hard disk fault

(c)  To test a bug in application

(d) To test a printer’s print quality

Ans – (a)

16 The DHCP server provides ________to the requesting client.

(a)  Protocol

(b) IP address

(c)  MAC address

(d) Hostname

Ans –(b)

17 _____ refers to the act of representing only essential features without including the background details

(a)  Data hiding

(b) Data encapsulation

(c)  Data abstraction

(d) None of these

Ans – (c)

18 Perform ‘’ Logical AND ‘’ what will be the result?





Ans –(c)

19 When a child class inherits traits from more than one parent class in C++, it is called ______ inheritance.

(a)  Hierarchical

(b) Hybrid

(c)  Multilevel

(d) Multiple

Ans –(d)

20 In C++ if base class has constructor with arguments, then it is _____ for the derived class to have constructor and pass the arguments to base class constructor.

(a)  Optional

(b) Mandatory

(c)  Complier dependent

(d) Error

Ans –(b)

21 Classes in C++ programming language are _____

(a)  Derived data types

(b) User defined data types

(c)  Built-in data types

(d) All of the above

Ans –(b)

22 Reusability of the code can be achieved in C++ programming language through _____

(a)  Polymorphism

(b) Encapsulation

(c)  Inheritance

(d) Both (a) and (c) options

Ans –(c)

23 A noiseless 3 KHz Channel transmits a signal with two signal levels. What is the maximum data rate?

(a)  30 Kbps

(b) 6 Kbps

(c)  3 Kbps

(d) 60 Kbps


24 Binary search can be categorized into which of the following?

(a)  Brute force technique

(b) Divide and conquer

(c)  Greedy algorithm

(d) Dynamic programming

Ans – (b)

25 Which of the following is/are true about constructors in Java?

(1) Constructor name should be same as class name

(2) If you don’t define a constructor for a class, a default parameter less constructor is automatically created by the compiler

(3) The default constructor calls super () and initializes all variables to default value like 0, NULL

(4) If we want to call parent class constructor, it must be called in first line of constructor.

(a)  Only 1

(b) Only 1 and 2

(c)  Only 1,2 and 3

(d) All 1, 2, 3 and 4

Ans –(d)

26 In binary search algorithm, if given an input array = { 2, 5, 7, 99, 899}; key =899; what is the level of recursion?

(a)  5

(b) 2

(c)  3

(d) 4

Ans –(c)

27 In linked list each node contain minimum of two fields. One field is data field to store the date second field is?

(a)  Pointer to character

(b) Pointer to integer

(c)  Pointer to node

(d) Node

Ans –(c)

28 Assuming data type integer (int) is of 4 bytes, then size of int arr[15] would be _____

(a)  15 bytes

(b) 19 bytes

(c)  11 bytes

(d) 60 bytes

Ans –(d)

29 In the following shell script, how many times will the date commond run?

For I in a i b; do date; done

(a)  0

(b) 1

(c)  2

(d) 3

Ans – (d)

30 In fiber optics communications the signal source is ______ waves.

(a)  Radio

(b) Infrared

(c)  Light

(d) Gamma

Ans – (c)

31 In context of Linux base OS, How can you append the output of a command to a file?

(a)  Command >> file

(b) Command < file

(c)  Command << file

(d) Command > file

Ans – (a)

32 How many case entries will be there in the truth table of 3 input NAND gate?

(a)  8

(b) 3

(c)  7

(d) 9

Ans –(a)

33 The 1st permanent Research Station established in South Polar Region (Antractica) by India is

(a)  Maîtri

(b) Dakshin Gangotri

(c)  Himadri

(d) Bharti

Ans –(b)

34 Days and Nights are equal throughout the globe when the Sun is above

(a)  Equator

(b) Poles

(c)  Topic of Cancer

(d) Topic of Capricorn

Ans –(a)

35 The currency, which is neither issued by Mint nor by Central Bank, but accepted in the trading as virtual currency is called

(a)  Bytecoin

(b) Bitcoin

(c)  e-Coin

(d) cryptocoin

Ans –(b)

36 If purple is called blue, blue is called green, green is called white, white is called orange, then what is the colour of salt as per above coding?

(a)  White

(b) Green

(c)  Orange

(d) Blue

Ans –(c)

37 If 2  12  15  1  20 stands for ‘BLOAT’, what does 20  23   9  19  20 stands for ?

(a)  TWILT


(c)  TWINT


Ans – (d)

38 In an examination, a student was asked to find 3/14 of a certain number. By mistake, he found ¾ of that number. His answer was 150 more than the correct answer. Find the given number

(a)  190

(b) 250

(c)  280

(d) 350

Ans –(c)

39 The cricket ball is lighter than the hockey ball and volleyball is lighter than the football. Hockey ball is lighter than the football but heavier than the tennis ball. Which of the following is the heaviest?

(a)  Hockey ball

(b) Cricket ball

(c)  Volley ball

(d) Foot ball

Ans –(d)

40 Change the given sentence into passive voice

Who killed the snake?

(a)  Who was killed by the snake?

(b) By whom was the snake killed?

(c)  The snake was being killed

(d) By whom is the snake killed?

Ans –(b)

41 Arrange the following in a meaningful sequential order :

Doctor, Fever, Medicine, Medical Shop

(a)  Medical shop, medicine, fever, doctor

(b) Fever, Doctor, Medical shop, Medicine

(c)  Doctor, Medical shop, medicine , fever

(d) Medicine , Doctor, Medical shop, Fever

Ans – (b)

42 Most appropriate synonym of word ‘Tenacity’

(a)  Ingratitude

(b) Decimation

(c)  Splendor

(d) Perseverance

Ans –(d)

43 A train covers a distance of 60 km between station A & B in 45 minutes. If its speed is reduced by 5 km/hr, how much time in minutes will it take to cover the same distance?

(a)  80

(b) 42

(c)  48

(d) 50

Ans – (c)

44 A certain amount of money has to be divided amongst P, Q and R in the ratio 3 : 5 : 6. If R receives Rs. 400 more than Q, then by how much money would P and Q differ in their shares?

(a)  Rs. 1200

(b) Rs. 800

(c)  Rs. 1600

(d) Data inadequate

Ans –(b)

45 In a barrack of soldiers there was stock of food for 190 days for 4000 soldiers. After 30 days, 800 soldiers left the barrack. For how many days shall the leftover food last for the remaining soldiers?

(a)  225 days

(b) 200 days

(c)  175 days

(d) 250 days


  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 4th May 2020
  Last Updated On – 4th May 2023







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