Objective Questions on Operating System Part-3

Solapur University MCA (Semester-II) Paper on Operating System March 2019


Sr. No. Question
1 In _________algorithm, a small unit of time quantum or time slice is defined.

(a)    Long term scheduler

(b)   Round Robin

(c)    Shortest Job First

(d)   Priority

2 The ___________is akin to reader lock in that several processes can acquire the lock concurrently

(a)    Shared lock

(b)   Exclusive lock

(c)    System lock

(d)   Hardware lock

3 The _________name begins at root and follows a path down to a specified file, giving the directory names on path.

(a)    Relative path

(b)   Directory path

(c)    Absolute path

(d)   File – Directory path

4 The value of ______ semaphore can range over an unrestricted domain


(a)    Binary

(b)   Decimal

(c)    Monitor

(d)   Counting

5 The _______ is the module that gives control of the CPU to the process selected by the scheduler

(a)    Memory scheduler

(b)   Dispatcher

(c)    Control system

(d)   I/O Event Wait

6 The _______ buffer sometimes refers to as a message system with no buffering.

(a)    Zero capacity

(b)   Single capacity

(c)    Double capacity

(d)   Unbounded capacity

7 The rows of the _______ represent domains and the columns represent objects.

(a)    Private right

(b)   Operation right

(c)    Access right

(d)   Object right

8 A ___________memory divided into fixed sized blocks is called as frame.

(a)    Physical

(b)   Logical

(c)    Frame

(d)   Page

9 A ________kernel allows a process to be preempted while it is running in kernel mode.

(a)    Preemptive

(b)   None preemptive

(c)    Active

(d)   Non active

10 A _______ is associated with each process, and the CPU is allocated to the process with highest.

(a)    CPU Cycles

(b)   Wait time

(c)    Priority

(d)   Disk storage

11 As processes enter the system, they are put into a ______, which consists of all processes in the system

(a)    Device queue

(b)   System queue

(c)    Job queue

(d)   Ready queue

12 A _________interface which uses a text instruction and a method to entering them.

(a)    Computer

(b)   Track ball

(c)    Flip flop

(d)   Command

13 _______ is CPU scheduling criteria, which means its amount of time taken to execute a particular process.

(a)    Start time

(b)   Arrival time

(c)    Turnaround time

(d)   Response time

 14 ________provides basis for application programs that acts as an intermediary between the computer user and the computer hardware.

(a)    Application software

(b)   Operating system

(c)    Shared Libraries

(d)   Linked list

  Published on 26th Sept 2021







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