MP PAT Previous Year Paper 15 May 2016 Agriculture

Madhya Pradesh Pre Agriculture Test Paper 15 May 2016 Agriculture  Slot 1


PAT16_15thMay16_9AM to 12PM_Slot1 – Agriculture
1. 2, 4-D is injurious to

(a)    Mustard

(b)   Cotton

(c)    Chick pea

(d)   All of the above

Ans: All of the above

2. King of the flowers is

(a)    Rose

(b)   Jasmine

(c)    Orchid

(d)   Gladiolus

Ans: Rose

3. Which of the following Instrument is used count total sperm?

(a)    Refractometer

(b)   Hydrometer

(c)    Monometer

(d)   Haemocytometer

Ans: Haemocytometer

4. The fat percentage in ghee is

(a)    97%

(b)   92%

(c)    99.5%

(d)   81%

Ans: 99.5%

5. The C : N ratio in Sawdust is

(a)    25 : 1

(b)   225 : 1

(c)    150 : 1

(d)   125 : 1

Ans: 225 : 1

6. Feny is a fermented wine, made from

(a)    Palm

(b)   Mango

(c)    Cashew apple

(d)   Apple

Ans: Cashew apple

7. Protein content in gram is

(a)    61.5%

(b)   4.5%

(c)    10%

(d)   21.1%

Ans: 21.1%

8. Toxins of organism causes peripheral nerve paralysis in cattle, is called

(a)    Tetanous

(b)   Botulism

(c)    Tetanous and Botulism both

(d)   None of these

Ans: Botulism

9. The score points for cow graded ‘very good’ are

(a)    90-95

(b)   85-90

(c)    70-80

(d)   80-85

Ans: 85-90

10. The ratio of the lactose, protein, and ash in buffalo milk is

(a)    12:10:2

(b)   11:7:3

(c)    13:9:2

(d)   None of these

Ans: 13:9:2

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 23rd Nov 2021






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