LPSC Hindi Typist Paper 2018 – Subject Computer Knowledge

ISRO LPSC Hindi Typist Paper 2018 – Subject Computer Knowledge

One TB is equal to
(a) 1000 GB
(b) 1024 GB
(c) 1036 GB
(d) 256 GB

The entire test in word is selected by the following command
(a) Ctrl+A
(b) Ctrl+Z
(b) Ctrl+Y
(d) Ctrl+P

Which one of the following is the input device?
(a) Monitor
(b) Printer
(c) Scanner
(d) Speaker

HTTP stands for
(a) Head Tail Transfer Protocol
(b) Hypertext Tail Transfer Protocol
(c) Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(d) Hypertext Tell Transfer Protocol

What is RAM?
(a) Random Access Memory
(b) Read Automatic Memory
(c) Random Accessing Memory
(d) Random Allowable Memory

www stands for
(a) World Whole web
(b) Wide World Web
(c) Web World Wide
(d) World Wide Web

What does MANTRA refer to
(a) An application software used by Ministries for office automation
(b) A machine Aided Translaton tool
(c) An application software used for automatic maintenance of transport vehicle
(d) None of these

Which of the following font is used to prepare the documents in bilingual (Hindi & English)
(a) DVITT…..
(b) DVBTT…..
(c) DVOT…..
(d) DVTT….EN

The physical component of a computer is
(a) Software
(b) Hardware
(c) Central CPU
(d) ALU

Which one of the followingi is the most suitable keyboard layout for Devanagari script?
(b) Easy phonetic
(c) Phonetic English
(d) Typewriter Remington






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