Kerala PSC Polytechnic Lecturer Electrical and Electronics Paper 2016

Kerala Public Service Commission Polytechnic Lecturer Electrical and Electronics Paper 2016

A Kaplan turbine is preferred when the available head is
(a) Low
(b) Medium
(c) High
(d) None of these

In a nuclear reactor, heavy water can be ideally used as
(a) Biological shield
(b) Moderator
(c) Control rods
(d) All of the above

Form factor is equal to
(a) Average value/ r.m.s value
(b) r.m.s value/ Average value
(c) r.m.s. value/ instantanous value
(d) Average value/ Instantanious value

Value of Power factor lies in between
(a) 0 and 1
(b) 0 and 10
(c) 10 and 100
(d) 10 and 1000

Two resisters R1 and R2 give combined resistance of 6 ohm when in seris and 0.84 ohm when in parallel. The resistances are
(a) 3 ohm and 3 ohm
(b) 4 ohm and 2 ohm
(c) 5 ohm and 1 ohm
(d) 4.5 ohm and 1.5 ohm

A wire having resistance R1 is stretched to double its length. The new reistance R2 is
(a) R1
(b) 2R1
(c) 4R1
(d) R1/2

When voltage applied to a diode is more than PIV, it is likely to result in
(a) More distortion on outpout side
(b) Poor regulation
(c) Conduction in both direction
(d) Breakdown at the junction

Which of these cells in GSM/CDMA networks are used for densely populated areas?
(a) Macro cells
(b) Micro cells
(c) Selective cells
(d) Umbrella cells

The one bit registers provided in microcontrollers to store the results of certain program instructions are called a ___
(a) Status Register
(b) Program Counter
(c) Flag
(d) DPTR

What is the typical drop out voltage across 7805 fixed positive voltage regulator?
(a) 2 V
(b) 1.5 V
(c) 100 mV
(d) 4 mV

A cell of an UPS battery has an Ah efficiency of 80%. It has an average terminal voltage on discharge and charge of 1.2 V and 1.6 V respectively. The Watt-hour efficiency of the cell is __^
(a) 50%
(b) 60%
(c) 80%
(d) 100%

Which of the following currents can induce the maximum induced voltage in a coil?
(a) 1 A , DC
(b) 1 A, 100 Hz
(c) 1 A, 1 Hz
(d) 20 A, DC

A bandpass filter has a bandwidth of 4kHz with a central frequency of 50 kHz. If the gain at 48 kHz is 10 dB, what is the maximum gain?
(a) 13 dB
(b) 7.32 dB
(c) 13.6612 dB
(d) 10 dB

In a 3 phase power measurement using two wattmeter method, both wattmeters give the same reading. What is the power factor of the circuit?
(a) 0.5 lag
(b) Unity
(c) 0.5 lead
(d) Zero

Divergence of curl of any vector is
(a) 0
(b) same vector
(c) null vector
(d) unity vector






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