IPRC Fireman A Paper 2016

ISRO Propulsion Complex Mahendragiri Fireman A Paper 2016
Date of Exam – 3rd Jan 2016 Duration of Exam – 1 Hour 30 Minutes

Current is denoted as I, Voltage as V, Resistance as R, Capacitance as C then as per Ohm’s Law-
(a) R= V/I
(b) C=VI
(c) V=CR
(d) I=VR

When gas is turned into a liquid, the process is called
(a) Evaporation
(b) Condensation
(c) deposition
(d) Sublimation

Which of the following is a good electrical conductor
(a) Plastic
(b) Wood
(c) Copper
(d) Ceramic

The instrument used to measure temperature is
(a) Barometer
(b) Kilometer
(c) Thermometer
(d) Ammeter

The relationship between degree Fahrenheit (F) and degree Celsius (C) is
(a) F = 32 + (9/5)C
(b) F = (32+9C)/ 5
(c) F = (9/5)C-32
(d) F = 32 – (5/9)C

The relationship between Degree Celsius (C) and Kelvin (K) is
(a) K = 273 + C
(b) K = 273 – C
(c) K = 273 + 2C
(d) K = 273C

Exothermic reaction is one in which
(a) Heat is absorbed
(b) Heat is produced
(c) Heat is not produced
(d) None of the above

Electricity is flow of
(a) Electron
(b) Proton
(c) Neutron
(d) Protons and electrons

The weight of 500 milli litre of water is
(a) 1 Kg
(b) 100 gm
(c) 500 gm
(d) 1000 gm

The percentage of Oxygen in normal atmosphere is
(a) 78%
(b) 21%
(c) 11%
(d) 5%

Laughing gas is
(a) Nitrogen
(b) Oxygen
(c) Nitrous Oxide
(d) Nitric Acid

Chemical Formula for ice is
(a) H2O2
(b) H2O
(c) HO2
(d) 2HO

‘pH’ is a measure of
(a) Percentage of hydrogen
(b) Heat
(c) Degree of acidity
(d) Degree of Humidity

The following is called as Dry ice
(a) Solidified water
(b) Solidified Ammonia
(c) Urea
(d) Solidified Carbon dioxide

Which is an inert gas
(a) Oxygen
(b) Hydrogen
(c) Helium
(d) Carbon dioxide






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