IPRC Electrician Technician Paper 2018

ISRO Propulsion Complex Mahendragiri Electrician Technician Paper 2018
Date of Exam – 22n April 2018
Duration of Exam – 1 Hour 30 Minutes
No. of questions – 60 Nos.

Direction of dynamically induced emf is given by _________
(a) Fleming’s Left Hand Rule
(b) Causs Law
(c) Fleming’s right Hand Rule
(d) Biot Savarat Law

Basic unit of inductance is __________
(a) Webber
(b) Coulomb
(c) Farad
(d) Henry

Which device stores electrical energy?
(a) Inductor
(b) Capacitor
(c) Thermistor
(d) Resistor

The condition of Ohm/s law is
(a) The temperature should be reamining constant
(b) Ratio V/I should be constant
(c) Current should be proportional to voltage
(d) Temperature should vary

Unit of reactive power is ______
(a) VA
(b) VAR
(c) Watt
(d) KVA

A voltage of 20V is induced in a coil when the current through it changes from 10A to 20A in 5 seconds. Find out the inductance of the coil.
(a) 5H
(b) 10H
(c) 40H
(d) 50H

In single phase AC motor, condenser is used for __________
(a) spliting the phase
(b) minimising the current
(c) minimishing radio interference
(d) minimising the losses

A dielectric material must be _________
(a) Resistor
(b) Semi-conductor
(c) Insulator
(d) Good conductor

Capacity of battery is measured in __________
(a) Amperes
(b) Volts
(c) Watts
(d) Ampere-Hours

Which one of the following instruments is used for measuring specific gravity of electrolyte?
(a) Hydrometer
(b) Barometer
(c) Voltammeter
(d) Lactometer






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