CPCB Scientist B Paper 2018 Microbiology

CPCB Scientist B Paper |Central Pollution Control Board Scientist B Old Paper for Microbiology

(Every Correct answer 1 mark, every wrong answer – 0.25 mark as a negative marking)

Which of the following is not TRUE about eukaryotic cells?
(a) Nucleus is bound by nuclear membrane
(b) Chromosomes contain histones
(c) Chloroplasts and mitochondria contain 70S ribosomes
(d) Gas vacuoles are present

Mycoplasmas, rickettsiae and chlamydiae are
(a) Types of fungi
(b) Small bacteria
(c) Protozoa
(d) Types of viruses

The mechanism of action of antibiotic penicillin is to
(a) Inhibit cell wall biosynthesis
(b) Inhibit protein synthesis
(c) Inhibit transcription in bacteria
(d) all of the above

The viral mucleocapsid a combination of
(a) Genome and capsid
(b) Capsid and spikes
(c) envelop and capsid
(d) capsomere and genome

The general mechanism of enzyme action is by
(a) reducing the energy of activation
(b) increasing the energy of activation
(c) decreasing the pH
(d) increasing the pH

Zymogen or proenzyme is a
(a) Modulator
(b) Vitamin
(c) Enzyme precursor
(d) Hormone

Km of an enzyme is substrate concentration at
(a) Vmax
(b) 1/4 Vmax
(c) 1/2 Vmax
(d) not related to Vmax

BLOSUM matrices are used for
(a) Phylogenetic analysis
(b) Pairwise sequence alignment
(c) Multiple Sequence alignment
(d) none of the above

_______ can be helpful in including polyploidy
(a) Ethylene
(b) Colchicine
(c) Radiation
(d) All of the above

What is the mechanism by which bacteria utilize glucose first, even if other sugars are present?
(a) Operon repression
(b) Catabolite repression
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Glucose repression

The plastids of progeny will be normal green, if albino male wheat is crossed with a normal green female because
(a) Trait for a albinism is recessive
(b) Plastids are inherited from female parent
(c) Albino plastids of male wheat have mutated
(d) None of the above

What type of enzyme catalysis reactions are involved in transfer of electrons?
(a) Isomerases
(b) Transferases
(c) Oxidoreductases
(d) Lyases

Ig ______ is the most abundant immunoglobulin in peripheral blood?
(a) IgM
(b) IgE
(c) IgA
(d) IgG

BOD which is an indicator of quatic pollution stands for
(a) Biochemical Oxygen Demand
(b) Biological Oxygen demand
(c) Biological Organic Demand
(d) Biochemical Organic Determinant

Type IV Hypersensitivity also known as delayed type hypersensitivity is mediated by
(a) Mast cells
(b) IgE
(c) T cells
(d) NK cells

You can also refer the following question paper

CPCB Scientist B Microbiology Model Question Paper

CPCB Scientist B Microbiology Sample Question Paper

CPCB Scientist B Microbiology Practice Paper






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